Newt//In the Nick of Time

755 9 4

Word Count:1144


"Shuck shuck shucking shuck," I repeated in my head. My legs went numb as I sprinted, my arms pumping at my side.

I had been running the Maze as usual after lunch when I had happened upon a Griever in the path of my assigned section. Before I could turn and run back the way I came, the Griever noticed me and pursued me for about an hour. Something about its pursuit seemed lazy, though. I knew how fast Grievers could run and this one hadn't been going full force.

I had done my best to map out where I was going as the Griever chased me, but between the adrenaline and fear, I had lost track and became lost within the corridors of the Maze.

It took me over 2 hours to find my way again, and the realization had filled me with dread as I began sprinting back to where I knew the Glade would be. The distance I had to cover usually took me from my lunch break to the end of the day to cover, albeit I have to take a more indirect route to cover all the corridors. Now I had to cover it in a little over an hour.

My brain worked fast, recognizing each corridor and directing my feet at each turn.

Left, right, left, left, straight, right...

55 minutes... 40 minutes...

I repeatedly glanced at the watch on my wrist, watching the seconds and minutes tick down to my deadline.

35 minutes... 20... 10...

Right, straight, another right, two lefts...

I felt my heart pound harder as the realization came to me that I only had 5 minutes left. I willed my legs to move faster if it was even possible. Every muscle in my body ached in a way worse than I had ever felt before.

2 minutes.

I was close. I could make it.

It wasn't long before I heard the familiar clank ring out, bouncing off the walls, followed by a deep rumble.

The walls were closing.

My head pounded as I continued sprinting. I would not give up.

I rounded the corner, seeing the ever-shrinking entrance to the Glade at the end of one last, long corridor. The boys had all gathered there, and when they saw me they began cheering me on, screaming words of encouragement. I couldn't hear them over the pounding of my heart in my ears.

I ran and ran, pumping my arms and legs as I reached the Doors agonizingly slowly. The shriek of a Griever sounded out menacingly from deep within the Maze.

I finally reached the Doors that were no more than a foot and a half apart, and threw myself through them, crashing to the ground as I heard the loud clang signaling the final closure of the Doors.

I made it.

Relief washed over me as I rolled onto my back, gasping for air. Several of the other boys cheered as Newt, Minho, Alby, and one of the Medjacks dropped to their knees next to me, throwing countless questions at me.

As I lay there, my gut twisted and I shoved Minho out of the way as I rolled onto my hands and knees, emptying the contents of my stomach onto the dusty ground. The boys around my head backed away, but I felt a pair of hands brush the loose hairs away from my face while rubbing my back. My eyes watered as I sat there, panting, and once my stomach settled, I leaned back to lay on the ground once again.

Before I could lay all the way back, Newt slipped an arm under my shoulders and knees, lifting me from the ground.

"Come on. Out of the way," I heard Alby command the surrounding Gladers as Newt began walking through the crowd with uneven steps.

We eventually made it to the Med-Jacks' hut and Newt set me down on a cot, stepping back to let Clint and Jeff make sure I was okay.

They found nothing more than a few scratches and bruises, as well as a fair-sized gash on my right leg from a stone I must have fallen on while running away from the Griever. I tried to explain what had happened in the Maze to the best of my ability while they cleaned and bandaged my leg.

"Right, you all head on to dinner," Newt said once I had been cleared to go. I sat up slowly in the cot, wincing as every muscle in my body ached from the movement. "I'll help (Y/N) back to the Homestead." The rest of the boys nodded without refusal and left the hut to head to get some food from Frypan.

Minho lingered back for a moment, placing a gentle pat on my shoulder. "I'm glad you're okay, you shank." I gave him a weak smile and reached up, squeezing the hand he had on my shoulder. Then he left, following the other boys.

Newt limped to my side, sitting down beside me on the cot. He pulled my body into his, burying his face into my neck.

"I don't know what I would've done if I had lost you," he breathed into my neck. I pulled my knees to my chest and leaned into him, resting my head on his shoulder as the tears formed in my eyes.

"I'm sorry, Newt," I began to cry. "I'm so, so sorry."

"Sorry? What for?" he leaned up, looking at my face as he held me. "You got chased by a buggin' Griever. That wasn't your fault. You got lost and still found your way back. You haven't done anything wrong. I'm just thankful you're okay."

We sat in silence for a few long minutes.

"You ready to head to the Homestead?" he asked me after a while. I nodded in response, shifting off of his lap so he could stand up.

He stood and held both hands out for me to take. I did, wincing as he gently pulled me to my feet. Once I finally stood, I released Newt's hands before stumbling into him. He let out a gentle chuckle, kissed the top of my head, and wrapped an arm around my waist so I could put some of my weight on him.

That evening, Newt took me back to the Homestead, tucking me into the hammock I had been given. Not long after he left, returning with food from Frypan and the well-wishes of a few of the other Gladers. He stayed by my side until I fell asleep, only leaving to go to sleep in his own hammock next to mine.

I got the next couple of days off from running, and I helped out a bit in the Gardens and I helped Frypan cook a few meals.

But, much to Newt's dismay, I returned to my job as a runner 3 days later.

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