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Wait a minute. Hey, it's Joe. Don't close the book yet. I can believe Nancy was going to leave you at that. That is not how to end a book! Just leaving you without all the answers. Well, I will tell you what happens next.

So Nancy was right. She was at home in bed two days later. She made an amazing recovery. Frank and I left shortly after that. Forrest was willing to fly us back home and we picked up our motorcycles at the airport. When we got home, we explained the whole mix-up to Dad and he promised to get a new "Mr. H." Oh, if you were reading carefully (as you always should) you may have caught some unanswered questions. Well, I am not one to leave people hanging. Most of the time. There was that time I left a criminal hanging off the edge of a cliff but that is a different story for a different time.

So there was that time when Frank asked Nancy if she liked her father being a famous lawyer. To answer, I read an email (may or may not have asked for permission) she sent to Frank after the case saying she loves her dad and she loves his success. So she is happy he is famous. Even though it gets in the way sometimes.

Who drove Nancy's car to Illinois or is it just sitting in an airport in New York? Frank and I's best friend Chet Morton drove it to her on his way to a family reunion. He drove there and then caught a plane to Chicago and we never even saw him when we got back.

George is a girl, but I think we did clear that up, and yes, Frank does like Nancy. I didn't even ask, I just know. It's a brother thing. Just like I know that he will kill me when he reads this report.

Kyan Millians is serving jail time for attempted murder, theft, and arson. Ned Nickerson and Fiona Millians have some jail time as accomplices also, but then they will be let out and expected to do some community service. They had given Kyan valuable information about Carson Drew's office, Ms. Blake's home and they were planning on vandalizing the Drew's home the same day we caught them.

Kyan's connection to A.T.A.C. was as a program manager. He made and sent programs to train new agents. They were supposed to be easy, non-dangerous missions to ensure that the agents were up to the task. He didn't like the team aspect of his job much less the fact that he was under like three bosses so he decided to shut A.T.A.C. down by killing Frank and I. He only used Nancy to pull us in. See the problem with having a ton of crime-fighting teenagers under one parent organization is they are amazingly smart. Anyone of us could become or assist criminals with little to no difficulty. Hack into a computer here, send false missions there, and the whole organization is fried. A.T.A.C. now has a department that shuts down any criminal activity within the organization before it happens so that nothing like this ever happens again.

Thanks, Joe! Hello there, this is the author. I felt like the title "Pawns and Enemies" should get a bit of explaining. Enemies is derived from the original inspiration from the book: What if Nancy Drew and The Hardy Boys were enemies? And at the beginning of the book they were. Pawns is what Nancy, Frank, and Joe were throughout the book. Kyan was only using them to bring his end game: what he believed was revenge satisfied against the job he hated. It is a chess analogy where Kyan was using Nancy to get to his reward and she got killed in the meantime, so be it.

So there is your little "ah-ha" moment to conclude "Pawns & Enemies" I hope you enjoyed and thank you for reading, commenting and voting. It really means so much! Nancy and the Hardy brothers are back in their next case: Fame. Be sure to read it!

Hey, get out of my story. I don't remember inviting you into my book. Anyhow, thanks for reading about our case. Frank and I do meet up with Nancy again (I mean honestly, how could we stay away) in Fame, book two of the What if? series.

Now I really feel like a news broadcaster. I am going it leave at that.

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