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"I will always be here for you, my queen."

Caitlin woke up and was startled when she saw Barry in front of her.

"What are you doing here?" Caitlin asked

"I was training and then I saw you sleep talking. You were having nightmares, you were saying I miss you or something like that. " Barry explained

"It's nothing, now go back to training I need to get ready." Caitlin answered coldly.

"Wellllll, after you get ready let's go to CC Jitters with Cisco."

Caitlin stood up from her bed and said 'Yeah'.

(CC Jitters)

While Cisco is ordering their coffees, Barry and Caitlin find a seat for them.

"Caitlin, what happened there? You were crying in your sleep. Like I told you, you were having nightmares. Can you tell me about it?" Barry suddenly broke the silence between them

"Its nothing Barr, just forget it." Caitlin is pissed

"No I will not forget it, Caitlin don't shut me down please."

Suddenly, Caitlin's beautiful brown eyes turned into a blue one.
She is turning into Frost

"I said that its nothing, ok so shut up or I will freeze that annoying lips of yours" Frost said to him but not too  loud so people can't hear them.

"Hey, calm down there's a lot of people in here. I'm sorry, I am just worried about you." Barry said calmly. Barry is scared that Frost might take control again.

"Now you're worried about me. If you are so worried then why didn't you help me when I was broken, when I need you." Caitlin's hair is starting to turning into white. Barry was speechless, he felt guilty. Caitlin's right, he was not there for her. He was so focus on Iris that he didn't think about their friendship.

"I know I know and I'm sorry for what I've done but please I need you to come back, Cait."

Caitlin's eyes and hair turned back into their original color. When she heard that nickname, she suddenly remembers the time when Savitar accidentally called her Cait. She loves him so much that when she heard him called her Cait, she becomes soft.
She was about to cry, but her visions is starting to blur.

"Barry..." She said in a very weak voice and she fainted. Thanks to Barry he had catch her, he is now on his knees waking Caitlin up. People looked at him confuse and was shocked about what is happening.

"Cisco!!" Barry yelled, Cisco went to them. He still hadn't buy some coffees because of the very long line. Barry carried Caitlin in a bridal style.

"We need to take her to S.T.A.R. Labs" Barry whispered to Cisco. He is so worried about Caitlin, he was about to cry but abled to stop it

(S.T.A.R. Labs)

Caitlin woke up. She found herself in the med bay's bed, she looked outside the door and saw Barry and Cisco talking and looks at their worried faces. She tries to stand up but Barry and Cisco ran to her and stopped her from standing up.

"Hey hey you're fine, you need some rest." Cisco said

"What happened?" Caitlin asked

"Well after you went frosty to Barry, you fainted." Cisco explained

"How and Why?"

"Due to your powers, you need heat to have ice powers but you don't have enough heat so you fainted."

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