The Grace of Space

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There comes a time to offer grace,

To give the one you love some space,

When he or she just needs the time

To find the reason and the rhyme

Within the chaos of the mind.

Sometimes, the gift of space is kind.

I know the urge to get inside,

To blot up tears that needs be cried,

Is strong but please, don't interfere

Unless you get permission clear.

Sometimes the pain is just so deep,

The path to light is very steep,

Still knowing they have your support,

An anchor point outside the fort,

Will add strength to their wounded heart,

May be the point of healing's start.

I've never had a harder job,

I'd rather face a howling mob,

Than standing here without the grant

To sort it out. I know I can't.

We see our loves through our own need,

Our ego's lust is naught but greed,

To be the savior of the day,

To be unchecked, to have it's way.

There are times you know, or should,

When helping does more harm than good.

I've learned through many years of trial,

When I help best with just a smile,

A touch to say, "Yes, I am here,

And will be when you're ready dear."

Richard Higley © June 7, 2014

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2014 ⏰

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