5-Forgiving The Family

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Lucifer was stunned. His father never had stopped to care. That was new to him. He always though that it was the humans fault that their father had lost interest in their family.

But he never considered that it actually was his mother that had manipulated him and his siblings to drift apart.

Silent tears had filled his eyes he blinked away. On other day Lucifer would have grown furious, angry, upset or completely lost his temper breaking down crying hearing his father side like this.

He maybe would have tried to kill god or slapped him.

But today he didn't because he had promise himself to give his girls the perfect day.

The devil stood up and went to Elohim not knowing what he should say to his farther after such a long time.

Lucifer tried to open his mouth but his failed him. But Elohim still knew what his son wanted.

The old man's wrinkled hands wrapped around his son's with a small white feather between them.

Their silent conversation was watched by the other people in the room, one boy even asked his mother loudly not having grasped the concept whispering yet.

"Mommy, why do they both look so sad but at the same time so happy?"

"I don't know, cupcake. It seems like they had missed each other."

Different than the woman Chloe understood. At least a part of it. The author had known Lucifer a long time before and even knew Amenadiel judging from the story.

She remembered asking him if he truly believed in his stories after she had listened to them the first time. It was at the beginning of her pregnancy as she was unsure if she and her ex would be good parents.

Elohim had said he not only believed it but knew it was true speaking of how he knew everyone personally.

Chloe now realized how he must have said the truth witnessing him and Lucifer to interact with each other.

Did it mean that Lucifers birth name was actually Samael? It sounded weird imagining calling him that instead of Lucifer but it still fitted her partner.

Samael showed her devils other side perfectly as it put him as innocent, cute and sweet person.

The other families slowly cleared the room as they had noticed there would be no more story telling for today.

Being bored Chloe and Beatrice joined the family meeting after they had nothing better to do.

"You know son, if you ever forgive me for not doing more and sulking while you were hurting you are always allowed to visit your siblings or even to come back home. I won't mind either if you prefer to stay here a little bit longer. And please think about my gift. It would really mean much to me if you accept it."

Lucifer's lips trembled hearing that after that long time his father did not forgive him but seek medical out his forgiveness as his farther acknowledged that the mistakes were his own.

Oh dear farther, he even allowed him to see the others again and to go back to heathen.

"What's about hell?"

"I think your Brother finally found some peace with his new task and already has someone watching his back."

"So I am truly free? No going back down there? Nothing about guarding the gates?"

Elohim nodded grinning seeing how much energy it took his son to not break apart under his confirmation.

He added then to make sure his son believed that he really meant it and wasn't trying to manipulate him into doing something to take away Lucifer's last doubts.

"You always wanted free will and here you have it. It's your choice what you do with your life now, with who you spend it and where you decide to stay."

"Thank you, dad. I really never wanted more than this. Free will and knowing that you still care. I think we will see each other again? Call me? Do you even know how to use a mobile? Or are you too old for that?"

That was the son he knew, always making jokes and annoying people but not meaning evil.

"Yes, I fucking know how to use a phone. And don't dare to call me old if you're older than this planet, too. I am still your father."

"If you still my father and know how to use a stupid mobile how is it that I never received a message for Christmas?", Lucifer countered accidentally a bit to bitter.

It made him realize just how much his son had been wronged. Not only ignored, betrayed, kicked out but also he had been forgotten for millennia.

"Oh son."

"Don't worry. It was just a joke."

"But it is still true."

"I was never one to lie. Even if it meant facing people with the hard facts instead cushioning them in soft lies."

"And still humanity though of you as the prince of lies. Hilarious how much the hot wrong."

"You think that too? I though you liked your worshippers?"

"You mean the people who like to do shameful sins in my name thinking it wouldn't be as bad? No. And this Bethlehem boy really did not know when he had to stop for his own good."

Lucifer watched on his mobile to check the clock and said goodbyes to his father before he led the detective with her daughter out to his car.

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