Only In Our Memories

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Love is like wild flowers
It's often found in the most unlikely places

"Are you sure you want to do this hun?" I asked. I had been with Rose for almost 85 years and we were very close. I knew this meant a lot to her but since I thought it my job to protect her I wanted to be sure. She had seen on the T.V that someone who was researching the diamond had found her picture, one that had been in the ocean for 84 years.

"Are you Selena?" I knew what she meant by that. I had also left my heart on the Titanic. I had fallen in love just had my friend had, the difference is I died in the water like my brother Jack. Apparently at some point Niklaus had given me some of his blood and when I died with it in my system I came back a vampire. I looked for him for years but I knew I would never find him, I knew how he lived and why and he thought I was dead.

"I'm okay, though I'm not sure I will be when I tell a bunch of people I'm a vampire." I teased and she giggled. We stopped whispering as we were taken into the room to see Roses drawing.

"Louis XVI wore a fabulous stone that was called the blue diamond of the crown which disappeared in 1792, about the same time old Louis lost everything from the neck up. The theory goes the crown diamond was chopped too and recut into a heart like shape that became known as the 'Heart of the Ocean'. Today it would be worth more than the hope diamond."

"It was a dreadful heavy thing. I only wore it this once." Rose told him and he seemed stunned that she would say that about the necklace.

"You actually think this is you nana?" Lizzy asked and I smiled.

"It is me, dear, wasn't I a dish?" Lizzy was amazed as she looked down at the picture and it only brought back more memories for me of my brother.

"I tracked it down through insurance records. An old claim that was settled under terms of absolute secrecy. Can you tell me who the claimant was, Rose?"

"I should imagine someone name Hockley."

"Nathan Hockley, that's right. Pittsburgh steel tycoon. The claim was for a diamond necklace his son Caledon bought his fiancée, you, a week before he sailed on Titanic. It was filed right after the sinking, so the diamond had to have gone down with the ship." I knew I had a smirk on my face and I saw in Roses eyes the comedy in the fact that she still had the necklace. "You see the date?"

"April 14, 1912." Lizzy read.

"Which means if your grandmother is who she says she is, she was wearing the necklace the day the Titanic sank."

"And that makes you my new best friend. These are some of the other things we found in your stay room." I examined them with her as Mr. Brock Lovett directed us to a table with items on it, recognizing a few of the items as Rose had worn them at dinner that night and to the party.

"This was extraordinary. It looks the same as it did the last time I saw it. Reflections changed a bit."

"For you." I joked and she chuckled along with me. I had offered her immortality but she didn't want it, she wanted to live a nice happy life and to one day see Jack again and I knew no matter how much I loved her and wanted her to stay with me I couldn't take it from her.

"Are you ready to go back to Titanic?" I heard a gasp before Rose could respond and we all spun to see a women looking directly at me. She looked down at something in a water tank and then back to me. "Okay, everyone not asked to be here please leave now." Mr. Lovett instructed and they did as I walked over to the tank, gasping at what I saw. Niklaus, much like my brother, had a talent in art, and while Nik preferred to paint he had a notebook for sketching, that he used quite often. There on the paper was a sketch of me on the deck of the ship, wind in my hair, sun on my face and a giant smile as I looked at him. He really captured the emotion in that exact moment and I thought I would never see it again. "How is that possible?" Lovett asked and I sighed.

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