Chapter One (School)

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Le'Aierra's Prov

My alarm clock went off...ERTTTTT ERTTTTT ERTTTTTT.. I swear I don't feel like getting up. I rolled out of bed onto the nice cold carpet and hopped up and went into the bathroom to take a shower and of course do my hygiene thing. I took a nice long hot 20 minute shower. When i was done in the shower I hopped out and went to the sink to brush my teeth. After I did my hygiene thing. Then i went into my room to figure out what I was going to wear...This will take forever I thought to myself, but luckily it didn't. (oufit in the external link & her hair on the side). After I got dressed I did my hair and makeup AND LORDD WAS I LOOKIN CUTE TODAY!!!!! I sprayed myself down with some perfume and grabbed my purse and phone then heaed downstairs to eat breakfast. 


Le- Le'Aierra & Nierra- Le'Nierra & Ke- Ke'Aierra(Le'Aierra and Le'Nierra's Mom)

Le-~ Goodmorning everyone! :)

Nierra~ Goodmorning!

Ke~ Goodmorning sweetie!

Le~ What's for breakfast??

Nierra~ Yeaa mom what's for breakfast?? *said sarcasticly*

Ke~ Welllll nothing, because I have to be into work early this morning.

Le~ Okay.. *looks at clock*  Well I'm just going to stop on the way to school. Oh and where's dad? (its 6:30 a.m.)

Ke & Nierra~ He left already.

Le~ Oh  well c'mon Le'Nierra we need to be going.

Nierra~ Ard mom *kisses her mom* I"ll see you later.

Le~ *kisses her mom* Me too. 

 Nobody's Prov

Both Le'Aierra and Le'Nierra get into there cars ( Mustang 2014 *both are blue with their names on the seats*). They both blasted music on their way out of the driveway.

Le'Aierra heads to McDonalds as Le'Nierra heads off to school to see her boyfriend Prince.

McDonald's Prov

???~ name is Keisha. I will take your order whenever your'e ready.

Le'Aierra~ Ummm yes, I would like to order a sausage biscuit, a hash brown, and a large sweet tea.

Keisha~ Will that be all today for you ma'am?

Le'Aierra~ Yes.

Keisha~ Ok the total of your order is $4.75, drive around to the first window.

*Le'Aierra drives aroun to the first window*

Keisha~ Your order is $4.75 and giver her, her food and drink.

Le'Aierra gives her a 5 dollar bill and tells her to keep the change.

Keisha~ Thank You! Have a Nice Day!

Le'Aierra~ You too! *drives off to school*


Le'Aierra's Prov

As I pulled up tin the school parking lot, I see Roc,Prince,Le'Neirra,Nevoda,Kyle,and my bestfriend Kela. I parked my car and walked up to them and they were all talkin until I walked up with my McDonald's bag and everyone started mugging me ESPECIALLY Roc. 


Roc~ Hey babe! Where's my bag?

Le'Aierra~ What are you talkin about you didn't ask for any?

Roc~ Uhhhh yeah I did, because when your sister got here I asked where you were and she said McDonalds, then I texted you and told you to bring me a McGriddle. 

Le'Aierra~ *pulls out here phone and checks it* 2 messages from My Babyy Roc <3 :-*  0_0 Sorry babe I didn't here my phone, but you can have my hash brown if you want.

Roc~ It's ardd, but can I still have that hash brown??

Le'Aierra~ Here. *gives hash brown to him*

Kela~ Are y'all done or nahh?? *everybody laughs, but  Roc & Le'Aierra*

Nevoda~ Like frfr y'all standing here just talkin while we looking all dumb in the face. ~_~

Le'Aierra~ Shut Up! *giggles* 

 *Le'Aierra's Thoughts* Le'Nierra & Prince were all up on eachother. EWWWWWW how can she do that? Prince has practically been with every girl in this school. While Kyle was lookin like a sad puppy. I wonder what's up with him?

Roc's Prov

Damnnn that hash brown was good! *bell rings* Everybody heads to class and since we have evry class together we walked with eachother paired with their partner to class. Me & Le'Aierra, Prince & Le'Neirra, now pause, stop, rewind, now don't get me wrong, but Le'Nierra is cute, BUT she ain't got SHIT AND I MEAN SHIT on my big booty, carmel, Le'Aierra. But anywayysss back to the couples>>> and then there's Nevoda crazy bipolar ass and my homie Kyle. Something was up with Kyle because he usually holds Nevoda around her waist, but this morning he was just slightly hanging on to her hand. Nevoda on the other hand look like she had a little bit of an attitude. Hmmm I wonder what's up? Everyone fled into our first period class which is Social Studies. The crew all sat next to eachother. This class was boring as hell!  Well Mr. Williams just walked in and everybody got quiet because he is a old man but he talks reallyyyy low and slow.

Mr. Williams~ Goooodmoorninnnggg claasss. *he said really slowly*

Class~ Goodmorning!

Mr. Williams~ Now today will be a free day in class because i will be leaving class 20 minutes early today.

Everyone cheered in excitement that we didn' have to listen to him talk SOOOO DAMN SLOW! I mean c'mon now yeah he is like in his 50s and 60s, but that don't mean he got to talk so damn slow. I swear that shit just pisses me off to the point that I just go to sleep and get my notes from Le'Aierra later on.  So for the rest of class the crew just chilled and talked. until we saw Kyle get up and just walk out of class witout saying anything. Everyone looked at eachother like wtf including Nevoda. I chased after him to see where he was going. I finally found him in the boy's bathroom on the 10th grade hall. Tf was he doing on this hall? I went in the bathroom to see him crying.


Roc~ Hey Man, wassup with you?

Kyle~ *started crying even harder*

Roc~ *stepped closeer* Ayeee man wassup with you?

Kyle~ *looks at Roc* Mannn I cheated on Nevoda with Kela! 

Roc~ 0_0 Wow man when this shit happen? 

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