Twenty Four

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In this depraved world, it seemed like those who were supposed to be the most trusted, were the most corrupt.

People like Tanya and Zoe, who should have been able to separate their personal reservations and feelings from their work, had fed into the system. Zoe was chasing a sick fetishisation and using her job as a cover up, while Tanya was inadvertently enabling her despite her best efforts to show the woman how 'unstable' shifters really were.

Wellington had felt betrayed by his human wife and used the anger as fuel to destroy an innocent family, taking retribution into his own hands. Auden's mum had known what he was like when she married him. She had once been an active part of it after all.

Of course, Mala had found the charity Auden was talking about. It had been the easiest piece of research she'd done in the last month- the true criminals hidden in plain sight.

Wellington was the biggest benefactor to a human charity that basically promised to cure the wolf curse or exterminate them. The charity had been founded by Wellington's grandfather and was not only funding the prohibited and inhumane research, it was also shipping some of the equipment to Irongate penitentiary as well as some others.

Completely illegal and the final puzzle piece that Malandra needed.

While Wellington had donated the most, in excess of almost half a million, he was rivalled only by none other than Bateman.

The same Bateman who had been so nice to her, going out of his way to make sure she was comfortable and promoting her into the position that would eventually expose him. In light of her recent revelations, his friendly touches and gruff declaring that she could come into his office whenever she wanted, took on a different meaning. It could only mean two things; both of which she didn't want to look too close into lest she be sick. He had only given her a chance with the police because of his horrible infatuation, instead of her actual ability. He had failed as an officer.

And she- she had signed a contract promising that she would do her job properly.

Well, it was too late to think about that now. The weekend had come and gone and the only place her moral compass was pointing, was at blackmail. That definitely wasn't in her job description but all things considered, she wouldn't have the job by the end of the week so it didn't matter.

As she walked to Wellington's office, meeting already set up, she went over the plan in her head.

She had the images of Auden and Blake in her hand, as well as the prints that incriminated the old man, preparing to make him admit to his wrongdoings and Auden's innocence. She would conceal it under the guise of wanting special privileges in the penitentiary so that he assumed his safety, when really she would record his admission and give it to the proper authorities.

"Yes, come in. Have a seat."

Nerves swallowed, she sat opposite Wellington at his desk, sneakily pressing the record button on her phone and hiding the device in her pocket without his knowledge.

"You requested a meeting?" He rasped out.

She nodded.

The first thing to come out was the pictures. She made known her accusation, the words she had practiced flowing out of her mouth in a steady stream.

"These pictures of Auden and Blake Ovilio date back ten years ago to the time of their parent's death. Reports said that their family was killed at three pm that Saturday but as you can clearly see, from two o'clock to three o'clock, they were miles away from the scene."

"What are you implying?"

She smirked, "I know it was you who was responsible for the murders. Francesca divorces you when she meets Daego, has two kids and the family that always wanted, and the jealousy is too much for you to take. So you murdered her."

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