Let's talk about it over coffee.

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“That’s it? a question? you could’ve called me on the phone, you didn’t have to come at 6am!” she said smiling “by the way how did you get in?”

“Cameron let me in” he said quickly “it’s just that I needed to ask you this in person”

“Do you mind if I shower first? This sounds weird and I want to be fully awake for it” he chuckled and nodded

He waited in the kitchen, preparing her breakfast as she got ready, they had been friends for a long time and he knew that she always had a cup of dark coffee along with two toasts not too burnt with butter and scrambled eggs, he finished before she was ready so he decided to add an orange juice.

When she went into the kitchen she looked at him and smiled widely at him, sat in the chair he was offering her and started eating while he took a sip of his coffee and started talking

“I have my cousin’s wedding in three weeks” he said and she looked at him puzzled 

“Great?” she said raising an eyebrow and he laughed

“You didn’t let me finish, I was invited with a date and I was wondering if you wanted to go” before she could answer he continued “if you want only, of course, you know my whole family lives in Boston so it’s over there, I have the tickets..”

“Of course I want to go, silly” she cut him off “why wouldn’t I?”

“Well, there’s one problem” she raised her eyebrow again “my family is really annoying about the whole dating thing, so they’ll start asking about you and why I invited you and everything”

“It’s okay, we’ll say the truth, we’re best friends” she said smiling “and this is what you couldn’t ask over the phone?”

“Well, there’s one more thing” he said avoiding her eyes “It’s about what we’re going to say to my family” she didn’t say anything “I-I don’t think I want to tell them that we’re friends”

“What do you mean” she said looking at him without blinking, before she knew it he was leaning towards her and kissing her “Greg” was all she managed to say when he broke it off

“Look, I’ll invite you for coffee when I get back and we’ll talk about it, okay?” she nodded, still without blinking, he gave her a quick kiss and then walked away, when he was by the door he turned around smiling “I’ll call you” and without saying anything else, he left.

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