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Copyright © 2014 by M. E. Mathis

All rights reserved.

4. Michael Kaye

The cab finally pulls up outside a small but moderate apartment building. The front concrete steps are chipped and worn with age. The sidewalk is fairly clear except for a couple walking past, giggling softly to one another. Swallowing down my growing disgust, I step out of the parked cab, bag in hand and make my way to the front of the building. I am stoped midway by a loud honk from behind me and turn to see the cab driver sticking his head out of the passenger window.

"Hey Miss," he says with a true New York accent, "You gonna pay me or what? I ain't runnin' a charity service. It's twenty, total."

Scowling inwardly and slighty embarrassed, I fumble around in my purse for a twenty dollar bill. Coming up empty handed except for a lone fifty. Figuring 'what the hell', I hand over the bill to his awaiting hand. The cab driver stares at the bill in his hand and then back at me. He seems offended by the large amount. In return I give him a pointed look right back. Take it or leave it. Muttering under his breath I hear him curse and spit out an indignant, priss, before peeling away from the curb faster than neccasary.

Fuming quietly to myself, I stomp my way up the concrete steps to the front door. What an ungrateful...twat. Just as I grasp the brass door knob, the door swings open quickly and I find myself tipping backwards as someone pushes through the door way in a hurry. Feeling myself falling, I do the first thing that comes to mind and grab out. My hands connect with the soft fabric of a t-shirt and I fist my hands in it, stopping my fall.

Large hands wrap hestaintly around my waist and my balance returns. From above me I hear a gruff voice cough out a soft, "Whoa!" I don't even bother looking up because I already know who the voice belongs to. Michael. Dammit. He warned me that Zane was trouble from the very beginning. There is no way in hell that I am going to endure a "I told you so..." speech from my roomate, Michael Kaye.

Immediatly I am trying to untangle myself from him and I find myself almost falling over again in the process. This earns me a scarlet face and another awkward grab at his t-shirt. The entire time, Michael, is desperately trying to make polite conversation while maintaining both of our balance at the same time.

"Jeez.....um, Re, I didn't know you'd be home so soon. Weren't you and Travis suppose to stay another day together?" He says while running his hands through his hair. The action causes me to inwardly wince as it reminds me of someone I'd rather it not.

Unable to contain a scowl, I look up at him and I am met with a pair of familiar soft green eyes that make my scowl melt instantly. Stumbling over my words, I make an effort to make them drip with as much sarcasm as I can muster, "Yes, Mr. Kaye, I am home," however, my voice comes out sounding more desperate and broken than sarcastic. I can tell Michael has picked up on my tone when his eyebrows pull together in a very concerned look. He doen't even bother to comment on my use of his formal title, considering Michael is anything but formal.

"You okay? You seem...off." Caught off guard by his words, I find myself unable to meet his gaze and instead I concentrate on a crack in the concrete landing. I just want to get into my...our apartment and...cry. Yes, I just want to cry, alone. Unfortunately, Michael's tall frame is blocking my way and he has taken my silence as an sign to continue.

"It's that Zach guy, right?" I shrug my shoulders in very unlike me manner. At least it starts with the same letter this time. Michael always made a habit of calling Zane by anything but his actual name. "You guys break up or something?" Seriously? Wow, now you can read minds, too? I look up to meet his gaze, full-heartedly planning on cursing him out, but when I see the geniune concern etched across his pale face, I can't help but wonder if maybe it isn't such a bad thing. Maybe I can open up to him just this once. I mean not to mention he kind of is cute with his green eyes clashing with his neon green hair and pale skin. What the hell? Zane and I split and here I am oogling over my roommate of all people.

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