No One Does It Better ☾ Kellic ☽

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Another sad Kellic one shot based of a You Me At Six song *sigh*

This is unedited btw

Warning: suicide


It's funny how life works sometimes. Well, not really funny. I guess depressing would be the better word. I met Kellin here. I'm at the rundown park we met at as kids, sitting on the first swing because it creaked the least.

The park is different from how it used to be. When we were kids it was nice and new and shiny. The grass was bright green, swear words and swastikas didn't litter the slides and it was a happy place. One of the plastics things was punched out, and a swing was missing.

I remember everything from when we were younger. I was ten, Kellin was nine, and I refused to get off the swing. He wanted it and I said no and tried to kick him. He pushed me backwards off the swing and stole it, and I pushed him off it. Our parents stopped us and made us apologize to each other, and we somehow became friends.

By middle school we were joined by the hip, never leaving each other's side. We'd still go down to the park everyday, and my feet never touched the ground because I was too short. Even when we were in high school I was still to fucking short. It's funny now, my feet touch, and I'm alone. I'd never been here alone.

"Vic, dude! I just found a fucking tree house!" Kellin yelled from on top of the hill.

"Get up here!" I ran up the hill and to Kellin, and sure enough there was a large tree house. We climbed up a rickety ladder, Kellin making me go first incase I fell.

The tree house was empty, and there was a hole in the floor near a corner, but it seemed perfect. I didn't have to crouch down, but Kellin did. When coming up he slammed his head into the ceiling, and I nearly fell over laughing while he threw a stick at me.

"Well, this was anticlimactic," Kellin mumbled, taking a look around. I nodded and he chuckled. Without warning he hugged me, and I hugged him back.

He then kissed me for the first time, and I freaked out. I'd never been kissed before, and now my best friend was kissing me. After the initial shock was gone I was kissing him back.

We dated all through the rest of high school, and after graduating we moved into together. We lived in a little apartment on the other side of Sam Diego with out little dog Polly. We didn't have much money, and both worked two jobs but it was absolutely perfect to me because I was with Kellin.

Three years later Kellin proposed to me, and of course I said yes.

It's been four months since now, and I still haven't taken the ring off. I played with the silver band around my middle finger on my left hand.

It's been four months since everything came crashing down.

It all seemed to happen so fast, but in slow motion at the same time. One minute, I was sorting out boxes of comic books, and the next thing I know I'm getting a call saying that Kellin's in the hospital.

I left work, rushing to the hospital. When I got there they wouldn't let me see him because he was still in surgery. Some drunk idiot had crashed into our car. The front of it was completely mangled and crushed, and I was terrified to see Kellin.

Five hours later a doctor came out, telling me he wouldn't make it through the night. I broke down. Falling to the floor and bawling. I was allowed to see him, and the sight of him brought me to tears again.

His body was covered with a thin blanket, but his face and tattooed arms were covered in scratches, cuts and bruises. He looked oddly peaceful, and it made it hurt so much more. I sat next to him, pulling the chair closer and taking his hand into my own. He stirred and opened his eyes, giving me a weak smile.

No One Does It Better ☾ Kellic ☽Where stories live. Discover now