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-No Ones POV-

W.I.C.K.E.D. is good. The girl was in a metal chamber, much like a box. W.I.C.K.E.D. is good. It lurched upward, and she was jerked awake. She started panicking, and as the little box she was in came to a stop, she saw light pouring in from above her. She quickly hid behind some boxes, scared and memoryless. She saw the doors above her open fully, then a thunk as a boy had jumped into the box.

-Leeana's POV-

"Where's the Greenie?"
I heard more voices.
"Did they not send one this month?"
The boy that was in the box started moving the crates around, eventually coming to my hiding spot. When he saw me, he had a look of astonishment on his face. "Well Gally, what's bloody down there!" A British accent spoke.

"It-it's a girl."

   I heard gasps and quiet chatter about this information from above. The boy who I assumed to be called Gally held his hand out to me, and I took it. I was thrust out of the box type structure I was in, into a whole other world. I was surrounded by a bunch of teenage boys. What a great predicament. Great. The area I was in was surrounded by large, concrete walls. So what would you do, being the only girl, surrounded by teenage boys, no memories, seeing an exit in the walls. You ran. Ran harder than you physically thought possible.
"Bloody hell, she's fast!"
  I heard footsteps behind me, that only made me go faster.
"Stop! Somebody stop her!"
   I suddenly fell to the ground with an Asian boy on top of me.
"God, you're fast," he mumbled.
"Who are you?" I questioned. "Where mam I and why won't you let me leave." The last statement was more of a demand than a question.
"Names Minho. Welcome to the Glade. I honestly doubt that you would want to go into the maze."
"Maze?" I pushed him off me and stood up, glaring at him.
"Dang, you're strong girl. Yes, maze. No ones ever survived a night in the maze."
By now almost of the boys had come over and we're watching the conversation between me and this 'Minho.' Whispers were shared among them, and I backed away. Successfully being scared into not wanting to go into the maze, I pushed through the crowd, then running to a tall wooden structure. I climbed up the ladder as the boys chased me. I was a fast climber, so I looked down from the top. The closest mfew to me were Minho, a skinnyish boy with blond hair, and the first boy I saw, Gally. There were a few sticks up there, so I grabbed one to defend myself. What girl wouldn't be scared of being in a place with only boys, with no memories, being chased? Minho made it to the top.
"Calm down girl," He said in a tone that had the smallest hint of anger. "We're all in the same boat here. Do you remember your name?"
"Leeana." I loosened my grip on the stick. By now, the other two boys were up here. The rest didn't seem to be bothered to climb up, they must be used to this shenanigan.
"Bloody hell girl, you're fast. Please say you've calmed down," The boy with the blond hair exclaimed. "My names Newt, don't be scared. If Minho here hasn't given you the speech already, we're all in the same boat. I assume you want an explanation?" I nodded and the four of us sat down. The boy known to me as Gally stayed silent, studying me. I shifted my gaze back to Newt.
"Well girly, this place is called the Glade. We were all sent up in that box that you came up with. No memories except our names. Speaking of that, what's yours?"
"Leeana. Continue."
"Alright. This here is Minho as you probably knew, and this is Gally. We were all thrown up here like this. Out beyond those walls is the maze. Every night, these doors shut. Since you're kinda forced ta stay here, you'll need to know the rules. Rule one. Do your part. We don't need any slack around here. Us working is what keeps us alive. Rule two. Never harm another glader. We need to have trust here. Rule three. Never go outside the walls. It's your own death if you do. Now come down and meet the others. First we gotta put you in the Pit while we decide what to do with ya. You must of noticed you are the only girl here. Come down and follow me and Gally. Trust me."
I followed the boys down the makeshift ladder. Many thoughts rushed through my head. What're they going to do to me? They seemed nice. There was just so many of them...I was shown to the pit, it looked like a makeshift prison cell. I went in, not wanting to cause any more trouble. I sat in silence, just wondering about my predicament, wanting to remember, trying to remember any single thing before this day. Try as I may, I couldn't remember. I was very tired and soon drifted off to sleep.

I woke up to the suns rays shining down on my face. The boy named Newt was sitting outside the bars and unlocked the door as he saw me awaken. "Day one greenie, 'rise and shine." He stuck his hand down into the "Pit" as they called it. I gladly took it and he pulled me out of the hole.
"Time for breakfast greenie. Follow me."
"Why are you calling me greenie? I have a name you know!" I was pretty irritated and I didn't know why.
"Well, it's what we call the new person. Someone comes up in that box every month, always." We had made it to the makeshift shack where they ate. "Ello Alby!" Newt sat down with a black boy, he looked muscular. "Well there greenie, this is Alby. He's the leader here."
"Nice to make your acquaintance," He spoke, holding his hand out for me to shake. I firmly grasped it, shaking hands. We proceeded to eat while Newt and Alby started talking. After a bit I finished my breakfast and went outside. Newt soon followed. I saw Minho and a few other boys going into the maze.
"Hey Newt, I thought you said no one was allowed in the maze. What are they doing?"
"Oh, they're runners. Everyday they map the maze looking for a way out. They're the only people that can leave. Too dangerous."
"What's so dangerous about a maze? I mean, doors shut, you're stuck in the dark. What's the big deal?"
"The big deal is Grievers. When those doors shut, the maze starts to change. Grievers are released into it. They sting you, you go crazy and eventually die. No one knows what a Griever looks like, simply because no one has ever seen one and lived to tell the tale."
I gave a him a nod, not really wanting to hear more. That was enough to keep me out of that maze. I remembered what he said about me doing my part, so I asked him about it.
"Newt, you said I'd have to do my part. What's my job?"
"Glad ya mentioned that greenie. We'll show you the different jobs and you stay with the one your best at. Let's start with Track-Hoe."
We stood up and headed off. This was going to take some getting used to...

   Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa this is the longest thing I've ever written. Be very proud. Anyway, you made it to the end. Good job. Any criticism is great, if it sucks tell me. As always, stay awesome ya beautiful nerds.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2018 ⏰

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