Chapter One: It's just the beginning.

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The naked stranger man, lying next to me, asked without shame. "Shall we hook up once more?" 

Hangover. I hissed in pain, mostly coming from my head, but also from my lady bottom part. "Where the hell am I?" Ignoring his question, I tried to support myself up. Yet, failed, just as his arm extended and forcefully lowered my shoulder, pulling myself to him. 

"Seems like my sexy kitten is out of her memory, huh?" He smirked, twirling my hazelnut hair. 

My heart raced up like the big, green, scary Hulk was chasing after me, physically. Even though the room was heated, I still felt a sense of coolness climbing up my backbones. 

Shit. What have I done? I tossed away his arm and struggled to get up, wanting to get the weird feelings out from my stomach by going to the toilet. Shit. What the fuck have I done? I asked myself once more in my tangled brain.

Then my fear of losing my virginity was confirmed when I saw a used condom on the left of the bedside.

I tried to act calm, pretending to have not seen anything shocking, and walked straight into the bathroom. The dizziness in my head kept me away from recapturing what happened last night. I remembered meeting a guy and he said he would brought us, me and my friend, Jane, to his table. What was his name again?

Evan? Ericsson? Damn, those didn't sound right. Who the fuck am I kidding, given my virginity to a complete stranger who I couldn't even remember his name?

I tapped on the water faucet and washed my face, wishing the coolness in the water could wake me up from hangover. I sighed, looking at the reflection from the mirror made me feel an urge to figure out what the hell happened.

Oh wait, if I was alone with this guy, then where on earth did Jane go? Did she just bail on me and went home? Or worse, did something horrible happened on her? Well, I meant, something more horrible than my v card, which I convinced myself to save up for someone special, ended up losing to a complete stranger?


"Um...Evan?" After I walked out of the toilet, I leaned against its door.

No response, better try again. "Ericsson?" Still no luck.

"It's Eric," He yawned sheepishly, taking this whole waking-up-in-a-hotel-room-with-a-complete-stranger situation as something extremely normal. "So I guess it's a yes to my previous question? Considered that you're still letting me to enjoy your view." 

Oh crap, how could I possibly forget that I was still wearing nothing but my birthday suit? Awkwardly I leaned out and grabbed a towel from the shower shelf and wrapped as much of my body in it.

"Um, no. Seriously. Where's my friend, Jane?" And my clothes, too? Then I spotted them, lying in different areas. My bra and undies are right next to his feet, on top of the bed sheet, and my denim skirt hanging at the corner of the nightstand, my white vest being dropped on the grey, carpeted floor. 

I carefully walked towards them, picking them up one by one, and being conscious of not showing him anymore of my private skins. I still felt my heart bumping hard against my chest, but not as hard as before anymore. Guess under the aid of alcohol still left in my head, I have accepted this fact.

And I was more worried about my best friend.

"Oh, you mean, Jan?" He was face to face with me, and finally I could recognize that he had dark blue eyes, nearly short-to-bald brown hair, and he looked just like my age. Thank god, at least at one point, I did not lose my virginity to some fifty-years-old, divorced and greasy man. 

"Jane," I corrected. Guess his hangover was as serious as mine, or just he had worse capability to memorize names than me. 

"Whatever," He shrugged, "She's right next door, with my friend, Calvin,"

Nothing could be shocker at this moment. The two J's were having what people called 'one night stands' at the same freaking night? But would it be just me, and that she didn't actually sleep with the guy next to her?

I wish she could tell me what and how did it happen, because I definitely wouldn't want to hear the fact from these Eric and Calvin guys. 


So, to fulfill my curiosity, and to reassure myself that she's safe, I quickly dressed myself up and rushed to my 'neighbors'. 


"Jane, are you there?" I kept yelling repetitively, and knocking on the door as if I could suddenly have the superpower to break it. "JANE?"

Around thirty seconds later, I finally heard her voice responding to my aggressiveness. "Open the damn door!" Now that my palm was getting red, I knuckled my other hand and kept crashing the door. 

"Stop! I said just give me a minute!" She yelled back with a husky voice. Guess I have just woke her, them, up, from their possibly good sleep. 

"Alright, fine," now that I made sure that she was indeed okay, I stopped my seemingly foolish action and then, the fully dressed Eric walked out of the door as well, giving me a big smile like nothing had happened. 

I glared at him, he once again raised his eyebrow. "What's wrong, sweetie? With all the fuss?"

I noticed that he has a tiny mole on the left corner of his lip. 

"Nothing," You took my virginity, you idiot. But I decided to keep my mouth shut until I get a clue from Jane.

Some when about two minutes later, Jane slightly opened the door. "Hey," She smiled awkwardly at me. 

I pushed the door a little harder just to gain a fuller view inside, and found that Eric's friend, Calvin, was buttoning his trousers. 



N/A: i just decided that i would want to write everything out in my mind, even if there's no one reading it! but still, hopefully i can get a few votes from you guys, and comments? *puppyeyes* Thanks!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2014 ⏰

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