10 ♛

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TEN // "i don't know anyone named jason mccann."


:: JASON ::

Placing the house key in its slot, I turned it to left and the lock clicked open. Pushing the front door open, I closed it with my foot. "Baby, I'm home!" I called out, but was met with silence. Furrowing my eyebrows, I dropped my keys on the foyer table, that Nicole pleated we put there, when they clinked against something.

Looking down where the keys laid, piece of paper was placed with Nicole's handwriting all over it along with the ring I gave her. Being even more confused now, I picked up the paper and started reading. By the time I finished I had tears in my eyes. Crumbling the paper in my hand, I ran upstairs to the second floor where our bedroom was, just to come face to face with a half empty room. All her things were gone.

Slumping down on the couch, in the living room, I turned on the TV. I was about to change the channel when something caught my attention. Behind the news lady was a wracked up car that had the same exact license plate as one of the cars that I owned.

"...A truck as it served of the road, pulled a 2008 Audi along with it. The Audi driver has lucky survived and will get out with a broken arm and few bruises..."

There was only one hospital they could take her to.

Getting inside my car, I sped down the street. I needed to make things right. I needed to be there for her like she was always there for me. Once I pulled up to the hospital, I didn't waste no time as I ran inside and over to the front desk.

"Hello, sir," the nurse spoke as she looked up from the computer.

"Hello," I breathed out. "My girlfriend Nicole Spencer got in a car accident not long ago- I need to see her."

Looking back down at the computer she typed away on the keyboard. She didn't even get a full sentence out when I was already running away.

I knew that I fucked up the moment I laid in bed with all those girls. Honestly I have no excuse for my cheating, I don't know why I did it. When it came to her and our relationship, I couldn't complain. Hell, I had nothing to complain about. She was amazing in every possible way.

Yet here I was, single handily ruining our relationship.

Finally reaching the third floor, I walked down the long corridor until I was standing outside her hospital room. Suddenly I was feeling nervous.

As I was debating if I should go inside or not, (and if I do what was I going to say?), a nurse came out of her room.

"Excuse me," I spoke up, making the young girl to look at me. "Is she awake?"

"Yes, she is," she smiled. "You can go inside if you like but don't stay long as she is on medication and will be asleep soon."

"Can you ask her if she wants to see me?" I found myself asking even if she was my girlfriend, with recent events I wasn't all that sure that she would be thrilled to see me. "My name's Jason McCann," I added.

Nodding in agreement, she turned around and disappeared behind the white door. Weirdly you could slightly hear the conversation through the door, so being me I listened in.

"There's a guy named Jason McCann wanting to see you," the nurse said.

"I don't know anyone named Jason McCann."

And there I felt my heart break. I have never believed in heartbreaks but here I was experiencing one. I didn't even wait for the nurse to come back outside as I took off towards the elevator.

I really screwed up the best thing in my life. She probably hates me so much. I know she said she doesn't, but she has never been the type to voice her actual feelings.

Unwilling to me a few silent tears rolled down my cheeks as I impatiently waited for the elevator to finally stop on the first floor.

I lost the love of my life because I was being stupid...



okay the ending is rather terrible, but bare with me.

sigh, okay.

for a story that was supposed to be a shot story written in lowercase letters, it turned into a trilogy. that's also the reason why the chapters are rather short and didn't give much details.

but i promise that 2 & 3 will be more detailed, can't make any promises on the length of the chapters 🤷🏼‍♀️

i hope you enjoyed and i'll see you again when Crash 2 is published


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