Locked Away (The World)

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A/N spoiler alert if you haven't watched 4x09 or 4x10 yet.

In this chapter, you will see some Supergirl, but it won't be a big role. Also if you don't know who Mxyptlk is, it's a creature of Supergirl's world who can do a lot of stuff that looks like magic.


It has been two weeks since the trail. Two weeks since the Flash saved Central City from a nuclear explosion. Two weeks since the Flash got a medal of valor. Two weeks since Barry Allen was found guilty on the murder of Clifford DeVoe. Two weeks since Iron Heights got a new prisoner. Two weeks since the Flash was last seen.

And people were starting to notice.

So when there was a press conference in the police station that afternoon, people expected to get answers from the police, and even though they got answers, it wasn't from the police. There were over a dozen reporters, about 8 cameras and even more police officers. They were all turned to a little stage with a microphone and a tv of which nobody knew how it got there.

In the crowd there was a reporter Iris West-Allen with her cop father Joe West, waiting what the news was, and finally, somebody walked up to the stage. The man wasn't that long with curly, dark hair and a small beard.

"Hello everyone, thanks for coming!" He began.

"Who are you?" someone asked. 

"I'm professor Mxy and I called you here, because I know who the Flash is." 

Iris and Joe immediately looked at each other and texted their friends at STAR Labs to watch the news because by now, everyone was watching.

"Now, as you may have noticed, the Flash hasn't been seen in a few weeks and that isn't because the Flash failed this city, but because this city failed the Flash." He continued. 

"How does he know all this?" Joe asked. "Do we know him? Is he a meta?"

In Star Labs, Caitlyn, Cisco and Harry were trying to figure out who he was.

"No, I don't think so. Look at the heat signature he's giving. This is someone not only from another univers, he's an alien from another universe." Harry said.

"Like Supergirl?" Joe asked.

"Jep. Like Supergirl."

The screen turned on and you saw The Flash fighting Fallout.

"This is the last sighting of the Flash. Here he's fighting a man with the power to level the whole city. He's risking his life for this city. He actually get's a medal of Valor for this. Now why would he just leave after this? Right? I mean it doesn't make sense. It's because he had no choice."

In Iron Heights the prisoners were having lunch while there was a tv on with the press conference. Barry Allen and his inmates were watching it very closely.

"So here you have the Flash fighting for the city, and do you wanna know where he was 5 min before this? He was at a trial. Why? Because Barry Allen is the Flash." Mxy said.

In Iron Heights it took a moment to let it sink in. But then all at once they turned to the hero who just sighed. 

In the police station people were talking. Captain Sighn immediately took his phone out and called the prison.

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