It's nothing

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Ming's POV

He's my best friend... I don't know what to do in a situation like this. There's nothing more to than the fact that it is awkward. Actually, I don't even know why. We are friends, we should be laughing at this. But I'm not in the laughing mood.

If Kit knew that I am acting like this, he would probably laugh his ass off. I'm acting so stupidly right now. Laying in my bed, thinking about this thing, that means absolutely nothing.

But if he thinks it's nothing, why is he sulking? Why is he avoiding me? Why doesn't he bring this situation out in the open? What is he hiding? Normally, he would tell me anything, why not this? It's just a dream after all. It's not like we actually did it.

I don't even know if his dream was something close to mine. I know his dream in general, a sex dream... But it can mean so many things. In my dream, it was hot, like we were meant for each other or something. I'm sure we both enjoyed it. But his dream, It might have been something like... Maybe I raped him in there? Maybe I took advantage of him? Maybe I raped him and left him suffering all alone in the middle of the woods or where ever? Maybe he's afraid of me, because he thinks I will do it to him in real life.

Does he think I'm that kind of man who will just rape someone? Maybe he doesn't.

Argh! My head hurts from all the thinking. From all the stupid thinking.

And I don't know did Yo even tell the truth. Maybe he's avoiding me because he is angry at me, or he hates me. But what did I do wrong?

We need to talk about this. I need to talk about this, to him, face to face. This can't bother our friendship. This can't bother my common sense, my mind.

Should I call or text him.

If I call, he would decline me.

If I text him, he would ignore me.

Maybe if I...


I got up and walked out of my house.

I will go to his place. He can't avoid me there.

I stand in front of his door. His front door was open. It wasn't like open open, but like in the mode when I can just let myself in. That's very safe...? And now I'm just standing here, in front of his rooms door. My hand is touching the door, the wood that makes it. I'm about to knock. Why the hell is my heart pounding so much? It's not like the first time I'm in here.

I've been here a couple of times. Usually his parents don't let anyone in, but I've been here. In his room. Being his shoulder to cry on. Being the embrace that he needs. Being the warmth that he can't get anywhere else. Being the one who he can open up confidentially. Being the love that he needs to go on.

Why am I even hesitating? Ah, just screw it.

I knock on the door.

"Come in mom!" He yelled inside. I guess he didn't hear me coming in the house, or know that his parents aren't even here.

I opened the door. Slowly. It screeced.

I looked at him, laying on the bed with a book in his hands. He didn't take his eyes away from it. He still didn't know it was me at the door.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not your mother," I said with a low voice so he wouldn't freak out.

He turned his face towards me. His eyes widened. He looked so scared. I guess if I wasn't blocking the door he would run out. He closed the book and didn't take his eyes off of me. I could see the fear, the despair in his eyes. Is he really that scared of me?

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