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Chapter 13


From: Doctor Abigail Mason

Subject: Your next appointment…

Date: June 14, 2013 4:48 p.m.

To: Mister Harry Styles & Mister Louis Tomlinson

Dear Mr. Styles and Mr. Tomlinson,

I was addressed about Doctor Sanchez’s lack on communication outside of the workplace. I consider myself an old fashioned woman, who is avid about knowledge. So, from here on out I will be sending you both e-mails pertaining to the subject at hand. And this upcoming visit you are due for is one of the most important.

Generally, at about 12 weeks since conception it is possible to determine the gender. You, Harry, stand at almost sixteen, and you will be at that mark when I see you next. Since your last visit, I am most certain that I know the sex of your baby, but with the difficulty in circumstances, I was not in a place to make any rash decisions last time. I do not have much to report past that. But I do request you keep a booklet or diary documenting your mood, your appetite, what you eat, what you feel like eating, and how you feel.

You, Louis, should take on the task of psychiatrist and document taker for Harry. If he doesn’t seem fit to do his entry, write down how he feels in your own booklet or diary.

Here, past fourteen weeks, is when you both should start noticing the changes in Harry’s body. Minor weight gain, no more than five pounds until I see you again in two weeks is my doctoral and maternal hypothesis. So here’s to another two weeks. Be prepared and honest with yourselves if you are wanting to learn the sex of your child.

                – Doctor Abigail Mason


I cover my mouth with my hands and close my eyes tight. Learning the gender makes all of this so much more real than it felt before I clicked my e-mail. I slowly shut my laptop and rub at my whole face, taking my glasses off my nose, throwing them across the room. That doesn’t make enough noise for me, they don’t even break. My bottom lip wobbles and I throw the laptop to the floor, angrily detangling myself from the blanket encasing Louis wrapped me in earlier. As soon as my feet his the carpet I grab the lapm beside the bed, throwing it so hard against the adjacent wall that a few shards fly back at me. They don’t cut me, but the broken pieces threaten my feet to move an inch. I scream and fall back onto the bed, throwing the blankets all across the room, knocking picture frames over with pillows.

By the time Louis hobbles himself back into our room, there’s not much else to destroy and I’m stuck on a bare, sheetless bed, crying. “What’s wrong, baby?,” Louis asks slowly, stepping on the glass with hesitant steps. He has on shoes, but he could still slip with his crutches. I fight his hands away when he reaches for me, but as soon as his hands gently entangle their selves in my hair, I fling myself on him, burying my face in his warm neck. He rubs my back soothingly, hushing me gently “,What’s the matter, love?”

I don’t know what else to say aside from “, I’m pregnant!”

He pulls away from my a little, and he looks me in the eyes in confusion, his eyebrows furrowed. I can barely see him through my naturally foggy eyes and the new tears. “Is that what’s bothering you? Is that a p—problem? Are you wanting a… an…,” he trails off, his lips form a straight line and I try to put the pieces together, and I start crying harder when I realize what he meant. I quickly shake my head and his shoulders sag in relief. “Then what do you want me to do, sweets?”

“Did you read that e-mail”

“What e-mail?,” Louis asks, rubbing my cheekbones with his thumbs.

“The one Doctor Mason sent. Louis… we can find out the gender now, she said she was pretty sure she knew since last visit, and that she’ll know for sure this time. We’re going to know what we’re having in two weeks,” I whimper, and his hands tighten around my arms “, Do you think it’s time to tell our families?”

Louis sighs and lowers us both down on the bed, and he lies us down with my head on his chest. His heart is beating really fast. “I…,” he says, and we just sit in silence for a few minutes, and he starts twiddling my hair “, I think so. But not yet… maybe they should come to the doctor’s with us. I don’t think they’d ever believe us otherwise. Your mum is going to kill me. My mum is going to kill me. I’m going to die” I huff a chuckle and squeeze his torso tighter. “Where going to know what we’re having. Do we want to know?”

I bite my bottom lip and blink. “I don’t know,” I says, and he looks down at me “, I want to know, so we can start buying things… but what if we buy all kinds of things, paint the nursery… we need a nursery… and… and something… and we have to take it all down… we have to sell everything we bought, repaint the room… I don’t think I could take that. Knowing the sex just… it makes it more real”

“Harry,” Louis whispers, kissing my head gently and repeatedly “, Honey… this is real”

I hiccup and nod. I know. That doesn’t make it any less scary. “In the long run… I think I do want to know the gender. If something happens, I want them to have a name for us to remember them by. T—They won’t be forgot, okay? No matter what, we won’t forget them”

“Never, ever,” Louis murmurs, nuzzling his nose into my hair.


“Are you sure you want to go?,” Louis asks, fixing his dress shirt. I smile at him and button his shirt up all the way to the top of his neck. Cute. I nod my head and he sighs “, It’s going to be a long night… might want to pack some gum or mints incase Kidney Bean doesn’t like what’s served. Are you surely sure you want to go?”

“Yes, Louis!,” I huff, throwing my head back dramatically, rolling my eyes “, There’s only so much longer I can go out into public with you. Out I public in general, actually. And do you honestly think I’m going to miss Jesy’s birthday? Slim chance she’s let me get away with that. Help me pick out my clothes?” He sighs and rolls his eyes, but he’s nodding. I know he doesn’t want me out. Especially since the rupture incident a few days ago. The new mattress came in the next day, but Louis refused to sleep in the room up until about five days ago.

I follow him through the room, which has since been cleaned. He wouldn’t let me do any of it,  scared I would cut myself or slip or something. I’m still very embarrassed. “How’s… this?,” he holds up one of my favorite shirts. It’s long sleeved and very soft. It’s dark with white hearts across it, very stylish if you were to ask me. I nod happily and shrug off the large, dark band shirt I’m wearing. I blush automatically, I forgot Louis was just standing there, no more than a meter away. I follow his gaze and look down at my stomach, my eyes widen.

One of his tiny hands, shakily, reach forward and settle on my stomach. Where there used to be abs, it turned into a flat expanse, and where it was a flat expanse, in now a small mound. I watch him with numb bones as his hands circle around my stomach, settling on the hard part of my abdomen, right where my kidney and Kidney Bean is. That’s where my stomach is largest and my mouth pops open, my hands cover Louis’ and we touch the little bump quietly, trying not to be disruptive. “That’s… that’s wow…”

“Wow,” Louis agrees, sniffling. My own bottom lip wobbles and I catch a tear on my lip, wiping it away on my bare shoulder. “Wow… just… whoa” His nails scratch at my stomach gently, grazing over the hardened skin. I sigh and put my forehead on his shoulder. “Are you sure you want to go to the party, now? I…”

I straighten up a cough, nodding. “Yeah, I still wanna go. For Jesy, this is important. You only turn twenty-three once, right?,” I chuckle, licking my lips as I pull on the button up, doing the buttons all the way up like I did to Louis’. “Where is the party at?”

Louis pulls out a pair of my black skinny jeans and hands them to me “, At her mum’s restaurant. Janis’s. Apparently it’s a nice joint, very classy”

“Please don’t say the word joint…,” I murmur, turning away as I struggle with my jeans. They definitely weren’t this tight to begin with. “And my pants don’t fit! Great!,” I wail, burying my face in my hands. My head hurts, and my stomach feels funny and I want to cry. I slowly slump down to the ground and bury my face in my arms, tucking my legs as close to my body as I can manage. I sniffle as Louis settles down beside me, setting his crutches down quietly.

He puts his hand on my bare knee and curls his fingers. “Want to tell me what’s wrong?,” he asks, using his other hand to adjust my hair. I shrug and twiddle my fingers together. “You know… may I be wrong… but I think this is where the moodswings settle in… You’re body is already making a ton of hormones on it’s own, and you’ve got the hormone shot and pills… it’s very surprising this hasn’t happened before”

“Can you try to find me some loose pants, Lou,” I ask, ignoring his statement. He strokes my back and I can feel him stand up. He’s gotten very good at moving up and down one-legged. His right leg has become very, very muscular. I giggle at that, shaking my head in amusement. One of his legs is very messed up and the other is in the best shape ever. That’s so funny. I look up and Louis is looking at me with confused eyes. “You’re legs are different!,” I try to explain. He must understand, because his eyebrows are furrowed and he nods, turning back to looking through the hung up pants. I laugh again.

“Here, try these on,” he says after only about thirty seconds, and he tosses me dark jeans like before, which are much looser looking than the first. I put them on while I’m still on the floor and I laugh when they get stuck on my bum. “We need to pack your hormone shot, you have to take it before you eat. Can you go pack it, baby? I’ve got to finish my hair, then we’ll go” I kiss his cheek as I stand up and his eyes widen. I chuckle and kiss his ear as I pass him, and he yelps in surprise as I swat his bottom. I snicker and grab the shot supplies off the bathroom sink.

Luckily, everything is pre-measured and all I have to do is put the disposable needle, anticipant wipes, and the emergency nausea pills in the little baggie Doctor Mason gave us last visit as we left. How nice of her.

“Are you ready, Lou-Lou?,” I sing-song, happily turning the light to the toilet off, closing the door. I look up at the same time Louis turns away from the mirror and my eyebrows raise. He is so handsome. I tilt to my head and blush as he smiles at me with his perfect, white teeth. “You look really good…”

“Really now?,” he smirks, smoothly hopping one footed towards me. He wraps his arm around my waist and scrunches his nose “, You hurt my bum, you know that?”

“Oh, sorry,” I chuckle, kissing his nose. His eyes cross as he watches me up close. I stick my tongue out and tap the tip of his nose with it. He makes a surprised face but doesn’t protest. “Are you ready to go? Have you seen my headband? The black one that Gemma gave me last time we saw her? It keeps my hair out of my face” Louis nods and shrugs his arms off my shoulders, picking his crutches up from where they had been leaned against the bed.

“You’re lucky you look really cute in these,” he smiles, pulling the head scarf out from one of the dresser drawers in from of our bed. I smile and he does too, stumbling towards me. He reaches up and I let him adjust the head garment on my hair, grinning at him as he pokes his tongue out in concentration. “But you look cute in everything, so don’t look so smug”

“Is that your form of an insult?,” I snicker as he grabs the keys off the bed, tossing them to me. He takes one of his arms off his shoulder to graze a hand on my stomach

“It is when you’re very much pregnant with my child”


“—and that’s when Harry snorted the Cola up his nose!,” Ashton laughs, recounting the story of his younger brother having to go to Emergency due to snorting ‘coke’. Coca-Cola. I laugh and Ashton’s eyes crinkle at the sides. Louis tightens his grip around my waist a bit more, making sure to nonchalantly keep a hand on the swell of my abdomen. I nuzzle into him for comfort.

“Was he alright?,” asks Jade, eyeing her drink warily. Ashton laughs again, Ashton laughs a lot.

He nods “, Oh, yeah, he was fine. Made sure never to put a straw up his nose again. He’s terrified of them now, bless him” Everyone laughs again, happily chewing on the appetizer Jesy’s mum had brought out. Some type of bread with white cheese baked in with some sort of smooth, red concoction. It’s delicious, and I do think I’ll be able to keep it down. The hormone shot I took in the car in the parking lot helps with that, too.

“Hey, are you guys ready for your food? Mum and Jade are about finished with it all,” says Jesy’s younger brother who was introduced as Joseph. Everyone smiles and nods to him and he nods his head, heading back into the kitchen across the restaurant.

“I’m so hungry,” I say, rubbing my stomach as it grumbles quietly. Louis rubs it gently.

“Do you think you’ll be able to stomach the spaghetti?,” he whispers and I shrug and nod. I think I can.

We chatter for about five more minutes before all of Jesy’s family brings out the food. Her older brother, Jonathon, serves me and Calum our food while her older sister, Jade, serves Louis and Perrie. Her mum comes last, carrying a plain white birthday cake. Everyone laughs when she sets it down and it’s possible to see what’s on it. It’s completely white, but it looks like edible printed paper has been put on it, all it says is ‘IT’S YOUR BIRTHDAY’. “Cheers to twenty-three!,” Perrie says, nudging Jesy’s shoulder with a laugh. 



I wanted a happy ended chappie… even though that's boring:)

Should they learn the gender and what should the gender be?

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