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I woke up at the crack of dawn to start the preparations for the long journey ahead. The night before Liam had told us about his friend Peter and how things weren't too bad in Grunthal. Everyone in our group except for Liam had their doubts. In the end we took a vote and we voted that half the people stay and protect the house and half go find Peter. The people nominated to go was Liam, Zack, Jaryn, and myself. The weaponry we were carrying was a crowbar for Liam, deboner for Zack, a pitchfork for Jaryn, and finally a machete for myself.

It took us five minutes to get into Grunthal, mostly because the army had the place locked down, but we were let in with a lot of protest. We didn't know it at that time but the reason Grunthal was under lockdown was because the town was completely overrun. As soon as we entered seven zombies came out of no where, which confused us because of the military guarding the place. Then it dawned on me they were not protecting the people on the inside, they were protecting the people on the outside. I relayed this to my team, as Zack ran over the zombies we had seen earlier.

New plan, liberate the town of the zombies and help any survivors. I told Zack to park the tractor in the middle of town, for an easy meeting place. We decided that seeing as there were four of us, we would set out into four different directions and clear out the town.

I suited up and prepared to depart, when Jaryn walked up to me and hugged me, then said with a smile "just incase I never see you again" and kissed me, it lasted only a few small seconds, but in an apocalypse thats a long time.

I bid my friends fair well and walked towards he south, I turned down the first street and came face to face with a horde of at least fifteen zombies. That's when I knew, that day was going to be a long day.

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