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Readers' POV

So, I've very recently moved into a place called Des Moines in the state of Iowa and I know fuck all about anything around here, apart from the fact is blander than a Chinese prawn cracker that's been sucked by a camel. It's fucking boring but I had to not only get out of my town, but also my country, and move to a place where NOBODY would find me or know who I am.

I'm guessing you'd like a bit of background here, so pretty much, when I was 15-16, I took up a very hefty drug habit of heroin and cocaine. I did it because, long story short, my dad was scum of the earth and hated my guts- and liked to punch them too. I left home at 15, met a guy in a bar who was 18, got myself into a world of abuse, drugs and alcohol, got pregnant, ran away and got an abortion, got a job, saved up and got out of the hell-hole I was living in back in England.

Anyways, back to what I was saying! I chose what seemed to be the blandest and most boring place to move to that I could possibly fathom, and boy was I right. The whole town was just dull, lifeless and colorless, But I wasn't here to move to a bright and lovely town, I moved here because of what I had heard of the punk and goth culture here, and there was good nightlife too- illegal nightlife-but still good.

I arrived in Des Moines at a time where a band- who I had heard of but not HEARD of, you know?- were growing kinda popular, pretty fast. All I really know about them is that, A- They have some kind of odd stage costumes, whatever the fuck that means?, B- They're wild. Like, getting drunk and high before the show and vomiting on the stage kind of wild- MY kind of wild, and C- That they play fucking incredible music. Gut-wrenching, fucking grimy metal. Exactly what I needed to hear right now.

So, once I had unpacked my shit into my new, slightly disappointing apartment that was slap bang in the middle of fucking nothing, I put on my jacket, pushed in my earphones, and took a walk around the town. The road outside the block of apartments went on for fuck knows how long, but somewhere at the end of it, there's a town. So, I just walked towards it, not having a clue as to where I was heading.

I walked for around 2 hours and I had countless fucking blisters on both of my boiling hot feet, and I was just PRAYING that there was a bench and a shop nearby but before I knew it, I was in the town. Surprisingly enough, it was quite busy, filled with alternative kids mainly, and some old people too but who fuckin' cares about them, right?

I walked on for a little bit longer, until I reach a shop, thank fuck. I walk in and I notice how weird american shops are. For starters, they call them Stores- what the fuck. Then I noticed, People ACTUALLY SOCIALIZE in American shops. The British just keep their heads down and do their shopping. So that's exactly what I did. I went to the refrigerator isle and bought a drink of diet coke- yes I am that big of a virgin, I drink diet, what are ya' gonna do about it bitch?

I paid for my drink, and I was held up by some overly enthusiastic middle aged lady called Karen or something, and she kept asking me about my fucking accent, like yes, I'm British, piss off now love. I walked out into the burning sun, and stripped myself of my jacket. Not being arsed to carry it, I shoved it into a public bin outside the shop, and began walking again.

I became suddenly stricken with interest as I spot a guy giving flyers out. He was about my age and my height and he had long, black hair, and he was super pale like fucking hell I thought I was pale. As I wandered nearer, I spotted that the flyers were for some sort of show. A...concert I think it said? I don't know but if there's good music and free alcohol, I'm in.

I walk near the guy and he puts his hand out to give me a flyer, then just stops speaking. I wasn't listening anyways as I had my earphones in, but I then took them out to say, "You okay man?" the dude said. I'm not going to lie, he's damn fine. His hair and his cheekbones just get me riled up like I would kiss him right now if I could.

"Erm, yeah sorry, there's a show tonight- a local metal band, it's free. You wanna come?" The guy said, "Yeah sure," I said "I'll come, but only if you're gonna be there." I said winking, which made him blush a bit, "I am going to be there, but you might not be able to find me," He said smirking, "I won't tell you why tho. By the way, there's going to be free drinks tonight too. So get drunk, sweaty and let your hair down to some good metal music, for free!" The guy said, "Sure, why the fuck not," I said grinning, "Oh, what's your name?" I said before walking away, "Nathan Jonas, But you can call me Joey" He said smiling, "Alright Joey, I'll see you tonight then!" And with that, I walked away.

I don't know why, but I kind of can't get him out of my head. His face was just so....good. Like- he has a good face. Cheekbones, eyes, hair, EVERYTHING. He's just very...cute. I like him. I hope I see him tonight.

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