Zip It (Just Say Yes)

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Rating: PG-13

Summary: "I Do" ficlet! :D We here at BN Inc. are crazy about same-sex marriage and want to show our support whenever we can. And so we have unwisely promised to write a cutesy proposal/wedding ficlet whenever same-sex marriage gets legalised somewhere in the world. This is our first in the BN Says "I Do" series, written for the State of New York, which legalised same-sex marriage on the 24th of June, 2011. Congratulations, New Yorkers!


Brendon has been keeping an eye on it, of course - everyone has. It's been one of the most hotly debated topics in New York for the past few weeks, so it's been impossible to escape the discussion. And, naturally, him being in a long-term relationship with Ryan has had everyone asking what they will do if the bill gets passed. Even his mother has called him to ask if they could at least get married because "it'd make Ryan being male that much easier to explain to Aunt Betty."

Well, Aunt Betty can suck it. Brendon will see her at a family reunion five years down the line, and if he still has a 'boyfriend' or 'partner', then so be it.

And he will, of course, still be taken because he has Ryan with his striped capris and messy mop of brown hair, freakishly long fingers and limbs - mad as a hatter, thin as a dime. A stupid kid he met (and fell in love with) at a college party; he was kind of drunk, Ryan was kind of high, the makeout session in the bathroom was epic, and the rest is, well, history. So Aunt Betty will just have to deal with Ryan always being around, wedding ring or not.

But still it somehow feels different, waking up that morning. The alarm goes off, and Brendon whines in protest and snuggles further into Ryan's chest. Ryan reaches for the phone vibrating on the nightstand almost automatically, demonstrating unusual coordinating skills so early in the day. It quiets down, thankfully, and Brendon nuzzles Ryan's skin and tries to fall back into sleep.

Ryan's hand comes up to slowly card through his hair. "Bren, we gotta get up." His voice isn't sleepy, and Brendon wonders if Ryan was awake before the alarm even went off, but that never happens so he can't imagine why Ryan would have woken up for no reason.

"Don't wanna."

"You gotta."

"Nuh uh."

"Uh huh."

But he only shakes his head. Ryan is warm and cuddly and soft except that he's also full of all these sharp angles that Brendon's spent years familiarising himself with. He does not want to move. "Why do we have to get up?"

"Because we have jobs."


"So that we can pay our rent, buy food and be respectable members of society."


"Because we're adults."

"I didn't sign up for that."

"But at least you can get laid and watch R rated movies."

"Your point intrigues me," he says although they both know they have no time for sexy shenanigans in the mornings.

Ryan presses a quick kiss to his hair. "A shower will wake you up."

Ryan moves to get up, but he whines, "Staaaaay. Please. For me."

"I can't, I've got so much to do today."

"Like what?"

"Nothing. Just stuff."

And then Ryan's slid from beneath him and is out of the bed, which is quite impressive because usually Ryan's just as bad as he is. Brendon's still half-asleep, mostly, snuggling against a pillow now. He thinks of the day ahead of him, replays shower, breakfast, subway, work, lunch, more work - but... He's missing something, he's -

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