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Their calls echoed, as if the sound traveled through a long, hollow tunnel.



All coming from different people.

All calling the same name.


Then as if their voices caused it, piercing white light began entering my vision, forcing me to drag down my eyelids to keep it from entering further.


On my next attempt to focus my vision, a blur of colors was what I first saw; hues ranging from blue, to gold, to navy, to pink, to white, and to another blue. It felt like staring at a vast kaleidoscope; spellbinding and dizzying. After a few agonizing moments of waiting for my sight to clear, those colors soon were accompanied with the warmest of smiles, carried by the people who looked achingly familiar.

Yet my head just can't seem to name them.

"You're finally awake." The blonde was the first to speak, her big chocolate brown eyes glimmering with a few tears.

"About time." A low grunt resounded from behind her, coming from a raven haired man donning a tiny side smirk on his face.

"You scared us there, Erza." The salmon haired guy whined with his arms behind his head. He stood beside the raven, with a small blue cat laying on top of his spiky pink head.

"Aye!" The blue cat exclaimed.

"You worried us, you know that?" Another feline, with white fur this time, sighed with her arms crossed. Wings with the same hue as her fur extended right behind her back, carrying her amidst the air beside one blue haired girl.

"We're glad you're back, Erza-nee." The young girl said, accompanying it with a relieved smile. She looked to be around thirteen, with doe like eyes never gazing away from me.

And in the middle of them all stood one man, wrapped in a cloak that rivaled the hue of his own hair. With his presence alone, the beating of my heart began to weigh down my chest; it felt so heavy that I fear it would burst. The all-too-familiar blue hair, the calming emerald orbs, and that scarlet tattoo.

He smiled.

It was all it took for the weight to lighten by the slightest.

"Welcome back, Erza."

Time seemed to have stopped.

They all looked happy.

They all seemed relieved.

It was as if they were really pleased to see me here.

It seems like they know me well.

But still...

...who are these people?

Even though it felt comfortingly warm to be by their presence, I still can't seem to understand the reason why. Who are they? Are they my friends? Acquaintances? Allies? Are they my family? Why do they still look so kind even when I can't remember their names? Why are they here with me? Why am I here with them?

All these questions began running miles in my head, and before I could even comprehend anything, the bright white light began obscuring my vision once again.

They were disappearing, one by one. Their images were fading, as if they were illusions losing the ability to remain tangible. I felt myself reaching out to them, not wanting them to go for some unknown reason. Nevertheless, they still vanished. One after another.

All except one.

He stood there, alone in the middle of all the brightness, gazing at me. Piercing viridian ones, locking with hollow dark ones. His lips formed a smile once again, and he opened his mouth.

But he spoke of a different name.


A completely different name.

And that's when it happened.

As if he was evolving, his hair in blue color--which seemed to rival the skies on a pleasant day--altered into a silvery hue, as if a white stain was spreading and tainting the beautiful crown of blue on his head. The tattoo on his right eye began vanishing, and a long diagonal scar that stretched from the temple up to the lightest swell of his cheek appeared on the left side of his face. His dark emerald eyes, calm and captivating, transitioned into breathtakingly bright golden orbs. The intricate blue cloak he wore morphed into a black sleeveless trench coat, accompanied by crisp white trousers which he donned over his thighs, and the rest of his legs starting from below his knees were covered by dark brown boots. All in all, he was a completely different person from the one who stood before me moments ago.

His smile widened in relief. "Welcome back, Ysa."


Who is he?

Who's Ysabelle?

And more importantly,

Who's Erza?

All colors turned to a monochrome gray, dimming and dimming until pitch black consumed me next.


My Azure Soul {A Fairy Tail Jerza Fan Fiction}Where stories live. Discover now