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Oscar started up the car in anticipation. He wanted to get to his hotel as quickly as possible before it was too late to have lunch with Faith and Anne at the table being able to meet. He was excited to introduce Faith into Anne's life as he knew that Faith would be able to help Anne the same way she has began helping Oscar. He wanted to make sure that Anne knows that he has friends and people who are there for him, which gives Anne a breath of fresh air when it comes down to panicking about others.

Oscar continued to drive the car further down the street with Faith beside him looking at all of the people quickly passing as the car drove away. Oscar intended to start a conversation with her but he was so focused on getting to the hotel with time to spare that the thought of the two interacting completely abandoned his mind. He drove quickly, now and again going over the speed limit all for one dinner with a new friend and his daughter. Without realising it Oscar had his mind set on Anne's emotional feelings right now and how Faith helps.

He completely understood how much Faith could help with Anne's current dilemma. Before realising his train of thought took over him; he found himself parked in front of the hotel he was currently staying at. He left the car alongside Faith and headed into the huge, white building. He continued to the reservation where he picked up a key card and slowly headed toward an elevator, the two stepped in and Oscar pressed the number labelled '22'; which represented the floor of the hotel they were to arrive on. The elevator lifted as a source between the two lingered inside.

The elevator doors opened slowly to reveal a long, two way corridor with many doors on each side. The headed down the left side to the room that Oscar and Anne have been staying inside, Faith dropped off her bag on the coat rack as she went over to the small table that was connected to the wall. Oscar headed into the miniscule kitchen and began making the dinner and before he knew it Anne walked out of the bathroom with soaking wet hair, wrapped up in a towel. Her gazed quickly met Faith's for a brief second.

"Who's this?" She asked as she walked to the smaller bed.

"This is Miss Almend, daddy's friend who's helping him." Oscar replied as he chopped some potatoes.

"Why is she here?" Anne asked negatively before grabbing her pyjamas.

"Anne! She's our guest for the night." Oscar said disapprovingly as he looked towards his small daughter.

"It was only a question. I'm gonna get dressed." She said as she headed back into the bathroom. Alex sighs deeply before he continued to cut up the different arrangements of vegetables.

"This is what I've had ever since we got here. I know that she misses Alex, I'm the exact same. But she needs to forget about him and move on, otherwise she never will." Oscar said as his face turned to a saddened look.

"Oscar, please. She's just a kid, can you even imagine what's going through her head right now? She lost an important figure in her life, and that's hard to grasp at the age she is." Faith said as she stood and walked into the kitchen. Oscar sighed again and looked at Faith.

"No, no. I got it." Oscar continued to cut the vegetables slowly but Faith ignored him and stayed in the kitchen, wrapping her hand around his as she looked up into his eyes.

"At least let me help, as a thank you." Faith suggested as she moved her hand to the knife and began cutting some vegetables too. Soon enough they were both helping make the dinner, and as they put it in the oven to cook Anne walked back out of the bathroom now dressed in her pyjamas.

"Sit by the table, honey. Food is gonna be done in a few minutes. You too, guest of honour." Oscar let out a smile and the two girls sat by the table that was attached to the wall; they both sat in silence as they waited patiently for the food. Before they knew it, the food was there in front of them, completely prepared and organised well. Oscar sat on the edge of his bed and began to eat.

"Is it good?" Oscar asked with his face stuffed with food. Both Anne and Faith nodded as they munched down on the food. In a matter of a few minutes Anne was already finished.

"You were hungry, weren't you?" Oscar laughed sarcastically as he kept eating the food. Anne smiled and simply nodded as a response to her father. Faith, too smiled at the sight of such a close relationship between the two. Suddenly Anne's face crashed from one of enjoyment, to one of sadness.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Oscar asked as he knelt down beside her, tears forming in her eyes.

"I miss daddy." Anne said as she looked down at Oscar, his face became stern with the realisation that he had to tell his daughter what he thought the truth was: her father was dead. He looked up at her and with a sigh he said.

"We won't.. be seeing daddy again." Oscar looked down at the floor as Anne's head did the exact opposite and shot up.

"W-what do y-you mean?" She said in a panicking tone. Oscar looked back at her with tears in his eyes. Faith simply listened as the two interacted.

"He's gone, Anne." Those three words hit Anne like a brick and she began to get defensive and angry.

"Is that why she's here! Did you plan on replacing daddy with her!" Anne yelled as her attention leaned towards Faith.

"No! Never!" Oscar stood up as he began yelling too. Faith shifted uncomfortably in her chair as the two argued. Anne cried.

"You.. you. You bitch! You father replacing bitch!" She yelled as tears showered her face. Oscar gasped when he heard his young daughter swear like that to a person.

"Anne Richards! How dare you speak to anyone in that manner. I want you to get in your bed and I don't want to hear a peep out of you!" Oscar yelled at his daughter, who instead went into the bathroom and slammed the door behind her. Oscar collapsed on his bed and buried his face in his hands. Faith moved next to him to comfort him. The silence of the room was more apparent than ever after Faith had said her goodbyes. Oscar simply sat there in silence as Anne cried in the bathroom.

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