W.U. Instant Messenger

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Denver.Jones: Ummm Candace, I just came from the administration building and saw the cops walking into your dad's office. WTF happened?

Lakrisha.Hayes: Probably, there to discuss the recent theft of bicycles on campus. Did you girls know more than twenty were stolen last week?

Natalia.Cumbler: Risha stfu that is not what it's about. I was driving to the library this morning and I saw the Croakington crew walk in with this lady and a guy—kinda looked like Charlotte's parents not too sure tho.

Denver.Jones: Oh her parents are probably upset their daughter is sharing a house with guys. Boohoo. Grow the fuck up!

Lakrisha.Hayes: That doesn't explain the police though—like I said it has to be the bicycles.

Candace.Grey: Denny did you hear anything when you walked by?

Denver.Jones: Nope.

Denver.Jones: Sent One Video.

Denver.Jones: Candace what is going on? The police are escorting your dad out in handcuffs. 😳

Natalia.Cumbler: Holy shit! I am heading that way now. Candace, are you okay? Where are you?


[Candace.Grey has signed off Monday, November 6, 1:26 P.M]

Lakrisha.Hayes: That proves it, girls! Her father is the bike thief. Can't trust anyone nowadays not even your own Dean.🤷🏽‍♀️

Natalia.Cumbler: Lakrisha, I have no words for you.

Denver.Jones: Risha, I don't know if you are stupid or stupid. I gotta go. A massive crowd has now emerged.

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