Chapter 4

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"I get it kit...I'm so sorry but I was waiting for the right moment to tell you and now I think it's time you learned everything"
~At Konoha~

There sat the hokage sadly looking outside, waiting for naruto to cone back and jump into his arms screaming jiji

But he knew that naruto wasn't coming back and just in case he was wrong he sent out men to find him

'Were are you....Naruto'

~Naruto's prov~

When I opened my eyes, all I saw was darkness, I sat up to see more darkness everywhere I looked

" h-hello" I said looking around the place to find someone

"Come here kit" I heard the voice said, echoing everywhere

I got up to only feel something wet on my feet, I looked down to see water

I was confused

Why was their water here?

I looked around for that voice but I couldn't see anything

"Were are you" I called out again

"Keep walking straight kit" the voice said

I did as told and walked straight until a big cage was in my sight

There stood a big orange fox with big sharp claws and big piercing red eyes

"It's finally nice to see you...kit" the fox spoke

"Who are you" I asked shocked

"I'm the great kyuubi no kitsune" he said with pride

"You a-are w-who" I said really scared now

'Is this why everyone hates me' I thought to myself l, my eyes tearing up

"Kit I know this must be hard, but I didn't mean for this to happen to you" he said, smiling sadly

"Huh what do y-you mean kyuubi" I said tilting my head in confusion

"I mean I didn't mean to make people hate you, i-i couldn't control myself I was under control of madara uchiha" the kyuubi said sadly but mad at the same time

"Madara uchiha" I asked

"Yes marada is a bad man...who betrayed the hidden leaf but there will be a day where you naruto, will defeat madara yourself I believe in you naru-chan" he said smiling brightly

"Naru-chan?" I said tilting my head cutely

"Naru-chan?" I said tilting my head cutely

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"Ah...yes is it o-okay for me to call you that" the fox spoke looking away embarrassed

"That's okay then...c-can you tell me your name kyuubi" I asked

I looked up at the big fox inside the cage, to see the fox with a surprised face but he then spoke

"My name is kurama kit, its a pleasure to meet you naruto"

Then everything went black

If I'm being honest

I'm scared of what will happen once I face madara uchiha

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