Chapter 2

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"I don't feel so good" Nirvana held her stomach tight as Stacey's car pulled up outside the venue "Are you sure we have to do this? I mean there's other parties right? Parties I can go to without looking like a tart?" She could see the look on her friends face and she certainly wasn't listening to anything Nirvana was saying or just ignoring it either way Stacey wasn't going to let her get out of this unfortunately.

"Did you say something babe?" She said sarcastically hopping out of the car already giving flirty looks to all the cute guys. Nirvana rolled her eyes and reluctantly stepped out of the car, all eyes were on her from the time she was free standing by herself till she arrived inside the huge hall that was done up perfectly with the food and drinks in lined tables on one side of the room, all the snacks on the other far side of the room, at the front she could see a stage that reached from the far left side to the far right side, and about  6 - 10 metres to the front. She was to tempted to just casually walk towards the food and sit there the whole night thinking Stacey wouldn't notice but Stacey on the other hand was just to impressed and excited of the dress she had picked for Nirvana so hiding surely wasn't going to be an option.

"Ey Stace looking good" Nirvana heard a gruff yet sensual voice come from behind them "And who's your frien-" He cut himself off midsentance as Nirvana turned around, her hair in perfect curls, long black lushes eye lashes, her body in perfect proportion as usual "Nirvana, wow well you make somewhat of an impression" His eyes searching her body like some sort of animal getting ready to pounce on it's dinner.

"Kayleb" She said simply not once letting her guard down as she could see he was not the only one in the big group of 7 guys, they all seemed to be quite fascinated with her body in the tight dress.

Kayleb was the hear-throb in town, his innocent spiked up tonight blonde/bronw hair were nothing on his real personality, he could have any girl he wanted, any girl but Nirvana that is, you could visually see the impeccable lining of his six pack and V line as he stretched his strong arms over his head on purpose. See when you saw Kayleb stretching and flexing his arms it ALWAYS meant he was in it for a girl just to impress her not realizing it wouldn't work on Nirvana, she ended up rolling her eyes, folding her arms then turning her back to him and wondering off to the front of the stage where they had just announced a band would be playing any second. The look Kayleb gave Stacey was shock and horror, one and the only girl he couldn't get just walked away, yet he wouldn't rest because he had to have his way with her.

"Sorry Kay, she's just not like most girls, it won't happen" Stacey said sympathetically knowing this would be killing him, patting him on the back in a small hug then stepped to walk away.

"Stacey!" He called waiting for her and Nirvana to turn at the loud noise "You and me later" His finger gesturing to both of them in the back room. She only winked as she reached Nirvana's pace.

"You just said no to Kayleb Winters Nirvana! The hottest guy in town maybe EVER! What is wrong with you? Are you a lesbian?" Her voice broke and she started to sound angry and why? Because she wasn't going to sleep around just because he was hot?

"Excuse me slut" Not realizing what she had said it just slipped out but she didn't stop there "You're calling me a lesbian because I'm not going to act like you and sleep with every guy who says you look nice or hot? Well then yeah call me a lesbian because you know what Stacey? I'd much rather be a lesbian than be a cheap whore" Letting everything go as a tear fell down Stacey's face but not out of sorrow out of hate "FYI I think your bother could get lucky tonight just incase you hear a loud screaming coming from his bedroom" Stacey's face went white and before Nirvana knew it Stacey flung her hand fowards at full speed and force to hit Nirvana plane across the face with enough energy it made her stumble back into the stage. Luckily there was no sign of a security guard or anything.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2012 ⏰

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