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Katniss' POV

We all finished our auditions and now our whole group has cracked into smaller groups until we all see eachother at lunch. Im stuck with Glimmer in science, my best subject. Mrs. Greasy Sae gives us a experiment to do.

My partner is Glimmer and she begins freaking out when the thing explodes, and I just started laughing. Nothing happens much until the end of Science, when Glimmer found a spider on her dress and started screaming. #funny

Gale's PoV
Peeta and I were in cooking class, and Mrs. Mellark made us make a sóuffle. I let Peeta do the work because he is a pro baker. But I still have to help or otherwise I'll get an F-
I make the sauce to go in the sóuffle, which smells terrible.

Peeta adds it in, and then I realised I forget to add the seasoning. A/N i know nothing about sóuffles. Hopefully we can still pull it off. At the end, it looks like everyone elses.

Peeta instantly realises we missed the seasoning, so he adds it on the top. His mum is pretty hard to impress, even for Peeta. But luckily we get an 92/100, which was the highest of the class!! But someone was defintley jealous.

Delly Cartwright and Luciana Vega

Delly has the biggest crush on Peeta, and Luciana has a big one on Cato too.

Catos PoV

After what felt like forever, we all met up at lunch. Gale was bragging about his 92% on Peeta's and his sóuffle, Glimmer was talking about science. Katniss was leaning on Peeta's shoulder, Madge was hugging Gale, Finnick and Annie were holding hands under the table. Thresh had his arm around Finch, Marvel was talking to Peeta and me and Clove were next to eachother.

Out of nowhere, Luciana comes up and pulls me by the shirt and kisses me, now everyone in the lunch room was staring. I tried pulling her off me, but she held tighter, Marvel and Thresh manage to pull her off me, but from the corner of my eye, I see Clove walk away. I go after her.

Cloves PoV

I was eating lunch when all of a sudden the warmness of Cato beside me disappeared. I look to find Luciana and Cato kissing. Was it Cato kissing Luciana, or was it Lucina kissing Cato. Either way, they were kissing. I see Cato fidget around a bit, until Marvel and Thresh pull her off.

I dont see anything else, because I stormed off, As I began to run the the bathrooms, I hear footsteps after me. I whip around to see Cato.

"Clove, Im sorry, but it wasnt what it looked like, we all know Luciana likes me" he says looking into my brown eyes.

"And you still kissed along?" I say, tears swelling my eyes

"I didnt, but I dont know how else to say it, but you and you only are the one I'm certain I love. But Im not sure if you love me" he says, wiping a tear from my face.

"How about you show it!? And I love you. You say you love me, but you sure dont act like it. I know you like Luciana, so stop pretending you love me and just tell me you dont" I yell, crying.

"I do love you Clover, I just need you to listen to me" he says.

"Another lie, ay?" I say.

Cato tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear, and while I have the chance, I punch him in the jaw. He puts his hand on where I hit him, I twist his arm and he squeals in pain. Little did I know everyone was staring at us from the very start of our converstation.

"What the heck is she doing?" Delly says

"Get off him!" Luciana cries.

"Someone call an ambulance!" A teacher yells.

I feel hands tear me off of Cato. It was Peeta pulling me off. I realise what I had done. Cato leaned against a locker, a bruise formed on his jaw, his arm looks weird from where I twisted him, and he's bleeding everywhere.

Catos PoV

I couldnt see very well, My head is throbbing and there's a crowd around me. Then I wake up in a hospital room. I notice 2 tall and muscular figures sitting on chairs. And is that a cast on my left arm?

"Cato! Your awake!" One of the figures say. My eyesight clears, and I notice they are Peeta and Thresh.

"Yeah. What happened?" I ask glumly, where was Clove?

"Oh um, she...she kinda attacked you" Thresh sighs. Then I remember the events earlier today. Luciana kissing me, admitting my love propely to Clove, Being bashed up by Clove.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2018 ⏰

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