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There wasn't even a teacher in the room with us, so here we are in a classroom full of potentially dangerous people who weren't saying anything to us, but still had their eyes locked onto us. They were staring at us so intently that I thought there were going to burn a hole right through us. Maddie waltzed right in with a smug expression, seating herself in the front row where there was a free seat next to her. She motioned me to come sit next to her, so I did. Many of the people in our class were whispering back and forth,  but I wasn't able to hear exactly what they were all talking about. Considering what has gone down in the last week, it couldn't be anything good. The screeching of a chair behind me caught my attention. There, a girl had stood up so quickly that it caused the chair to launch backwards, creating that loud noise. Her eyes were directly on me, but she didn't say a word and instead continued to stare at me.

"Whore." That single word irritated me completely. Without much thought, I stood up and turned to face her while Maddie kept quiet and watched in fear to what would happen next. The girl started walking over to us, squinting as if she was angered by my response. She came right up to me and looked up at me with a arrogant grin. "Tsk tsk tsk, who let someone like you back in here? I thought that animals weren't allowed on the premises?" I could already feel my temper reach it's boiling point, so I responded like any normal person would and threw her insult right back in her face.

"If that's so, then I'm pretty sure that they wouldn't let you in either." The girl covered her mouth in shock, as did the other students who were watching, and stomped her foot on the ground multiple times.

"Excuse me, but at least I'm normal." I chuckled at her words, which weren't scientifically true, and threw my gand back to reach for Maddie's

"First off, no one is normal, secondly, at least I have someone who actually likes me, and lastly, what I do is literally none of your business. I don't even know who you are, so what I do and who I am is none of your concern. To put it is your terms, fuck off and let me live my life." Maddie snorted and pushed me to sit back down before anything else was said and done. The girl I was arguing with twitched in resentment, hopping back into her own seat. She turned to face the girl next to her and began to complain about what had just happened, but the girl didn't seem to care and, in fact, even looked like she enjoyed the short dispute.

"You're so sensitive, Zoe. Just calm yourself and focus on class. Well, if Ms. Daniels ever shows up. She's probably getting some coffee or vodka right now, considering how she is..." The girl replied, attempting to console her friend. "Plus, she does have a point. Get over it. It's not really that weird to have a same-sex couple in the school. I mean, there are at least a few, if not more, others like them, so just get over with it and develop some restraint." Zoe, the girl who I literally just fought with, got back up again and strided over towards Maddie and I. Her head turned to look at her friend who was staring at her intensely as if to tell her to apologize.

"... Sorry... It's just I was good friends with Chris... But after the incident I just kind of got irritated that someone, well you actually, flat out rejected her and... Well... She got pissed off so bad that she went crazy... " She mumbled, rubbing her arm to take her mind off of the subject. "I don't have anything against you, it's just that... I kind of knew that Chris had a thing for you, but she was stuck with Mikey. He was such an ass to her... She even told me that he forced her to... to... do it with him..." I slammed my fist onto the table in frustration.

"When did she tell you this?" I demanded. She moved back slightly, avoiding eye contact as she began to think back to when she had heard of this.

"I think it was near the end of August... Somewhere between the 20th and the 25th... If I'm remembering correctly." After hearing that, I quickly pulled out my phone from my pocket to scroll back though my messages with Chris until I got to the one from the 24th.

"Ivy, with this, I am now like you."

My heart sank, and my eyes began to fill up with tears until finally they started to fall down my cheeks.

"I'm such a horrible friend! Why didn't she tell me! I just... I didn't know! I don't blame her for being so pissed at me now!" I spouted nonsense repeatedly before soon crying nonstop. Zoe scooted away without saying anything else, so Maddie grabbed my hand and led me out of the room and to the nurse's office in the next building.

"It's not your fault, Ivy. You couldn't have known that Michael was doing that to her. Look, I know I said that we shouldn't look after Chris, but if you want to then I'll be somewhat cool with it. I just... can't stand to see you like this..." I sniffled softly, listening to Maddie's words as she held onto my hand loosely. "But, I just want you to know that I can't promise to be nice to her. One, she tried to kill you, two, she tried to kill me, and three, I don't like having a girl that you like, and that may even like you, come to stay with us or even be remotely close to us." She admitted. I chuckled lightly and held onto her a little tighter.

"Trust me, I'm over Chris. I mean, I'm not going to like someone who seriously went after you and me with a knife. That's a little too much for my taste. Anyways, it's not like I'm dissatisfied with you or anything, in fact, you've cheered me up a lot after my fallout with Lily. I'm just glad you're not insane like the other two." Maddie smiled and let go of my hand to turn back to me and hug me.

"Good. I'll live up to your expectations then!" She exclaimed. We skipped going to the nurse's office, heading to the main office instead to sign out and leave school early without explaining anything to the secretary...

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