Chapter Seven

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I walked back out to my car, wiping the tears from my eyes. Kellen stood leaning against my car. I bet he thought he looked so cool. I felt my face redden as I approached the driver side door and got in.

"I think we need to talk, Vea." He got in the passenger side and closed the door. "Head to my house, we'll talk there.

We sat in silence all the way there, and when we pulled in the driveway Kellen disappeared from the car. Show off. I got out of the car, walked to the front door and knocked. He came to the door a minute later, and it wasn't until I saw him in the light that I noticed he was wearing sweats again. That must just be what he wears when he's not at headquarters.

"I think it's time I explain myself. I haven't been very helpful through all this." He invited he in, placing his hand on my shoulder as I walked through the door. It was meant to be comforting I'm sure, but his touch filled me with a sort of fear that I couldn't help but want more of.

"No, you haven't been very helpful at all. I fell asleep earlier because I was up all night trying not to dream about you!" He smiled. I worded that badly. "About your past! I meant about your past."

"I'll start from the beginning I suppose. My husband was a farmer, I was a seamstress—"

"Wait, I'm sorry. Husband? Seamstress?" I stared at him for a moment, waiting for a reply or some sort of defense. "You were a woman?"

"Yes, I was. It was 1922, I died giving birth in my home, but I refused to move on. A soul is permitted to stay in the world of the living for up to a year after death, as yours did. I overstayed my welcome and broke rule 112. A dead or dying soul may not stay in the world of the living for longer than a period of 12 months. I chose to become a reaper so that I could watch my daughter grow up. When she was three she died in a fire."

"I'm sorry. I had no idea." It was interesting to think of Kellen breaking one of His rules. I put my hand on his as an act of compassion and he flinched at my touch.

"Apologies. I was caught off guard. Where was I? Oh yes, after my daughter died and I reaped her soul, my husband drank himself to death. I requested a transfer and came here." He looked up at me and smiled.

I stared out at nothing for quite some time before I could think of a response. "So that man that I thought was you, it was actually your husband? I've been talking to you this whole time?" He looked confused.

"Talking to me? What do you mean?" Would he not remember this if it was his past? Shouldn't he remember talking to me?

"Your ghost. In my dreams, I was talking to you." He nodded as if he suddenly understood something I was missing.

"When you break a rule, you don't get the privilege of experiencing your time as a ghost. Which is why you have no recollection of the year you missed." I looked at him in shock.

"I thought I was just dormant and not doing anything. You mean to tell me I was actually like a real ghost haunting people and stuff?" He laughed.

"I can't say for certain that you were haunting anyone, but yes. You were a real ghost. And Vea? I'm sorry. I lost my temper with you before. I was just worried because you're cursed." Worried?

"What reasons do you have to be worried? I'm the one that's actually cursed. Don't you think it's a little selfish to be worried?" I felt myself getting angry and took a few deep breaths.

"I care about you, Vea. Am I not allowed to worry about you?" He placed his hand on my leg. I blushed, and I blushed hard.

Stuttering, I tried to speak. "You care about me? Isn't that like against some sort of rule or unprofessional or something I don't think you're allowed to do that I mean there must be a hundred rules against it there's no way that's allowed I—"

"Vea." I stopped talking and turned towards him. Before I knew what was happening his lips were on mine. It felt like the weight from my head had fallen into my stomach, his lips were like fiery ice against my skin. I melted under him.

We parted, and he held me for hours. Until the sun started to come up. "I should get to headquarters now but um... this was a good talk. I'm glad we did this, I mean the talk part. And the other part. I'm gonna go now." He smiled and walked me to the door where he kissed me once more before saying goodbye.

"Oh, Vea? Don't worry about the dreams. I'm sorry I overreacted before. My apologies. When you get home, sleep. You need it." I smiled and thanked him before getting into my car and driving home to change clothes.


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