Chapter 9

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Short Chapter! Beware!

It was easy finding snow clothes, but not so easy finding our way around the base of the mountain. It was midday, freezing, and neither of us can find any sort of cave.

"She said of was magic hidden. Maybe you have to do a magic-ey-ey thingy, uhm..."

"I understand what your getting at, but there is just nothing here. I think we have the wrong mountain." I looked at my phone. "Though the GPS says otherwise." I walked up the barely worn trail, the ground elevating every step. Maybe I need to go off course. "Arthur, come here!" I called. He followed me into the taller land off the trail, almost both on our hands and knees climbing up. The two of us crept upwards for a few minutes. The snow stopped crunching under us when we stepped into a dark secluded cave.

"We found it." The egg wasn't even hidden. It sat alone on a stone pedestal. It was so easy. To easy. Arthur went towards the egg quicker than I could speak and the floor caved in. I yelled out to him catching him by his sleeve. I stare at what was below. Spikes of earth sticking up dangerously close to his feet. He looks down realizing how close he was to another death.
I pull him up and we hug each other for dear life.

"Are you OK? Did any of them get you?"

"I'm alright, just a little, whoo." He smiled. "That was really close."

"Don't do that again." I look down the hole into another room, torches lit down a corridor under the floor of the cave above. I walk to the shiny egg picking it up. The blueish color dulled into black and it faded to dust in my hands. Fake. The egg was fake. That means it's under the floor. "Hold my hands and don't let me fall." Arthur did so as I used my feet to climb down into the dimly lit stone hall. I thought how to get over the spike. "Swing me side to side. He grunted but was successful. I swung for no longer than a minute and let go of his hands sliding into the corridor.

"I'll be right back!" I snatched a torch from the wall and made my way down the hall. I ignored the fact that it was eery and dark. The hall opened up to a small room with the egg atop a velvet pillow. The egg was brown like mud with no other colors to it, and gritty looking. I grabbed it and ran back to the opening in the floor. "Get ready to catch it." I tossed it up him catching and setting it beside him. I said a spell throwing myself out of the lower corridor. I took the egg and we left quickly.

Warning! Partial smut!

I wrapped it in my scarf like the other and placed it in the sink when we got back to our hotel. The egg was larger than the last, more rounded. I heard the shower begin to spray and Arthur's arms wrapped around me from behind.

"Forget the egg for a while. Join me..." Arthur slid my shirt over my head kissing my shoulders as he undressed us both and led me under the heated water. He whispered sweet and naughty things to me. I couldn't help but to succumb to him. His hand slid down my chest below my waist around my erection. I gasped not having felt any such things in quite some time. We rutted against each other, soap suds draining from our hair as we clean ourselves.
He shut the water off and pulled me to the bed. The back of my knees hit the mattress, both of us falling onto it amidst a heated kiss. Arthur pins my arms to my side as he kissed down my torso, nipping my lightly jutting hips. Arthur pulls my leg over his shoulder and continued kissing my inner thigh.

I push myself onto my elbows watching him and him watching me. Arthur traced his fingers around my waist, jumping up and kissing my lips once more. "I've waited so long..." I say against his cheek.

"I know." He whispers.

Finally; (Merthur) Arthur's Resurection AUWhere stories live. Discover now