The Wedding

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A boy stands at the altar, whose name is Romeo stands at an altar,

He has a giant,grin on his face, like he is the luckiest boy in the world.

Music begins playing, the several guests attending, stand,

And the giant oak doors creak open, in comes a girl, so beautiful,

That everyone's breath is took away.  The girl walks down the aisle,

Whose name is Rosaline, until she reaches the point where Romeo stands,

The guests sit, and the ceremony begins.  All the while that this is happening,

Rosaline has a look on her face, that no one can quite place.

The priest begins talking, but before he gets too far Rosaline,

Stops him, so that she may say something, to Romeo.

Rosaline- My dear sweet Romeo.

Romeo- Yes, my dear sweet Rose.

Romeo says, taking her hand in his, and kissing it.

Rosaline- Romeo, you're making this so hard for me.

Romeo- What is it that I'm making hard for you?

Rosaline, excuses them, and leads Romeo out to a garden.

Romeo- What is it, that you're trying to tell me, my love.

Rosaline- I...I, oh, perhaps I shouldn't.

Rosaline says to herself, and begins crying, Romeo, takes her face,

In his hand, and rubs away her tears, one by one.

Romeo- Please Rosaline, anything that you have to tell me, I can take it.

Rosaline sighs, takes a deep breath, and tell Romeo, what she has to say.

Rosaline- I'm so very sorry Romeo.

Romeo- Sorry for what?

Romeo asks, with curiosity in his voice, and a confused look on his face.

Rosaline- I....I.....Idonotloveyouanymore,Ilovesomeoneelse,canyoueverforgiveme?

Romeo- Rosaline, you know that I can't understand you, when you speak that fast.

Rosaline- I don't love you anymore, I love someone else, will you ever be able to forgive me?

Romeo pulls his hand away from her face, and marches away from her.

Rosaline- Oh, please, don't be that way Romeo.

Romeo stops where he is, and turns around to look at Rosaline.

Romeo- If you don't love me, then how come you agreed to marrying me,

And waited until the day of our wedding to tell me?

Rosaline- Because the two of us just met yesterday, and are in total , and complete love.

Romeo snorts, and shakes his head in disbelief.

Romeo- I've never heard of anything more ridiculous,

Meeting someone, and falling in love with them, the day you met,

We've know each other for years.

Rosaline- But it's true love Romeo, don't you want to be with someone you love,

And that loves you back with all of their heart?

Romeo- I thought that was you and me.  I was obviously wrong.

Romeo continues to storm away from Rosaline,

Leaving her to cry after him, about him not hating her.

Romeo just continues, trying to forget about Rosaline, altogether.

As Rosaline is sobbing, a boy comes up to her,

She throws herself on him, and  brightens up a bit,

But she still continues to sob, still having the bond of friendship,

Between herself and Romeo, him being her only friend, or at least he was.

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