Everything Tonight (Oneshot)

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A/n: I was inspired to write this while listening to 'Give Me Everything' I don't own any of this expect Charlotte, blablablah I am sure you know the rest.

Water slowly moved up the sand before going back down merely seconds later, the small waves were barely visible in the night. The only light source was from the moon reflecting off the water, creating what looked like a small glow on the water.

Sounds of the waves hitting the near by rocks, crickets somewhere near by and every so often and owl could be heard from the forest surrounding the area. Making it even more of a peaceful night,  and perfectly relaxing time to take a walk.

Sam Uley needed this, he needed to relax, he didn't want to lose control again. He  just had a argument with his Fiancee Emily, he couldn't hurt her again, he wouldn't be able to live with himself if he did. So, he left, he left to calm down as much as he could.

A soft voice could be heard, it sounded unhappy. But not a normal person could hear it from how far away Sam was, but he could hear it, but he is far from being a normal person. Sam didn't recognize this voice, but there was something about it, that made him want to find out who it belonged to.

It didn't take Sam long before he spotted a woman, soon as he laid eyes on her  he was suddenly overwhelmed by different feelings. All his anger melted away, he wanted to go talk to the girl, he was confused. Hadn't he already imprinted? And he also felt guilty, guilty that he thought he imprinted on Emily. He couldn't hurt another person.

Despite his guilt, Sam found himself walking over to the woman, he didn't even remember walking towards her. She was sitting down on the sand looking down at her feet, mumbling something about how stupid she probably was "Is everything alright?" asked Sam.

The woman's head snapped up to look at Sam "O-oh, I thought I was alone..." she admitted, and shifted her gaze towards the water, embarrassed "I guess it's okay..." she began after a few seconds of silence "It's just my boyfriend..." she continued quietly.

Sam forced back a frown, he shouldn't be upset at the fact she had a boyfriend, after all he was engaged himself. He just felt very confused at the moment, the feelings he got when he saw this stranger were stronger than the ones he got when he saw Emily, making him feel even more guilty "What's wrong?" asked Sam.

Unsure whether or not to keep talking, the woman stared at Sam for a long moment " I think he is cheating on me..." she whispered, barely audible over the waves. Had she really just told that to a complete stranger? When she couldn't even tell her best friend?

"Who would cheat on someone as beautiful as you?" questioned Sam without thinking, he mentally kicked himself after he realized what he said. Sam was strangely worried that she thought was a a creep, even thought he didn't even know her.

The woman stayed quiet for a long moment, waiting for something,  but spoke again "Thanks.." she said with a small smile "My name is Charlotte Everson." she introduced, she felt comfortable around Sam, she didn't know why. Maybe the fact that he seemed nicer than her boyfriend.

"Sam Uley." introduced Sam and sat down next to Charlotte, he had to resist the urge to put his arm around her "You aren't from around here I am guessing, so what are you doing down here?" asked Sam, he had a strong feeling Charlotte wasn't from around there, as he never seen her before.

A bigger smile grew on Charlotte's face "Came down here for my best friend's wedding." answered Charlotte, then her smile fell.  Her boyfriend absolutely refused to go down with her, he hadn't been answering his phone all day, only one of the things that made Charlotte think he was cheating.

Sam instantly wondered if it was Bella Swans wedding Charlotte was there for, but shook it off "How long are you here for?" Sam asked, hoping it would be a while, he wanted to get to know her. He wanted her to stay here in La Push.

"I leave tomorrow, short visit because it was a small wedding. Only close family and friends she wanted." replied Charlotte,  though there was only around fifteen people,  Charlotte thought it was an adorable wedding, defiantly full of love.

Hearing this made Sam sad, he had basically no time to get to know her at all " Too bad you can't stay longer, could've shown you around" said Sam again without thinking, he wondered why he was doing that "So tell me about yourself" he said, quickly changing the subject.

For three hours Sam and Charlotte talked, there as barely any silence. Sam found out that Charlotte was 19 and loved animals, and was studying to be a vet as well. When he heard this, he couldn't help but chuckle, which made Charlotte confused.

Charlotte stood up with a frown " I should be going if I want to get some sleep before my flight tomorrow, er today." she said, with a small hint of sadness to her voice. She enjoyed talking to Sam, a lot.  When she was with him she felt like she could tell him anything.

Sam stood up as well "  Are you sure there is no way I can keep you?" asked Sam, getting frustrated with himself "There I go again, speaking before I speak." he mumbled embarrassed, he was doing that a lot tonight, he was tired of it.

A deep blush grew on Charlotte's face, but she laughed "Don't worry about it" Charlotte said, still blushing "You're really sweet." she complimented honestly, she found him much sweeter than her boyfriend. And she hardly knew Sam.

But despite that, Charlotte stood far as she could on her tiptoes and kissed Sam's cheek, taking him completely by surprise. He never thought she would do that, not that he minded, in fact he liked the fact she kissed his cheek, it felt as if she trusted him.

Charlotte stayed on her tiptoes, her lips lingered above his cheek, her heart was suddenly beating really fast. Her next move surprised them both, it was Charlotte's turn to do something without thinking. Charlotte moved her lips from Sam's cheek slowly to hips lips.

A mixture of happiness and guilt surged through Sam, he hated himself for doing this to Emily, he hating hurting people. He hurt Leah and now he would be hurting Emily, he felt as if he couldn't do anything right when it came to imprinting.

Despite these feelings, Sam put his arms around Charlotte's waist and held her up a bit so she didn't have to stand on her tiptoes. It felt right to hold Charlotte in his arms, but it made him feel so terrible. But he couldn't help himself, he felt weak around her.

Soon as Charlotte realized what she was doing, she pulled away making Sam put her back on her feet "I-I." She began with wide eyes "I'm so sorry, it's just you treat me so much better than my boyfriend, you actually make me feel like I'm worth something, I just-" She explained before stopping "I have to go, so sorry. It was amazing meeting you." She quickly said before running away.

Sam stood there, watching her run off, his heart hurt. He couldn't figure out if he had been rejected or not,  but either way it hurt, a lot. Someone he imprinted on left, probably never to return. He would probably would never see Charlotte again.

If  Sam had longer, he would've given Charlotte everything, even if he had an hour longer he would given it all to her tonight. But no, he only known her for three hours, granted three of the best hours of his life, none of which he would ever trade. He wouldn't change almost anything, just how much time he had with her. Cause they didn't even have tomorrow..

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