Rina's P.O.V - One: The Owl

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Chapter One: The owl


I awoke beside the dying embers of the fire. Sweating head to toe in nothing but a pair of grey thousers and a loose red hoodie.

A cold wind brushed gently across my feverish wet skin, causing small Goosebumps to form and small blonde hairs to stick up, despite this, I didn’t feel the breeze, all I could feel was hot sweat dripping down my face while my temperature skyrocketed well over what i imagined it should.

I fidgeted under my thick purple blanket,that some one must of put on me wile i slept, my loose clothes twisting in an awkward position as I tried to get a better view of my surroundings. Glancing around, I realised I was in the field my family and I were staying in-I had fallen asleep outside…again. Surrounding the great clearing was a tall wall of evergreen pine trees-protecting us from any harsh winds that could prove potentially dangerous. Within the confines of these magnificent green giants lay caravans, one of which was mine.

Sighing, I shifted back to my previous position, smiling internally as my skin came in contact with the now cooled down fabric, this sensation didn’t last long though, so taking one last look at the ash covered embers and deciding I should go get some more wood for the fire. Or i could finish reading 'Alice in Wonderland By Lewis Carrol' out of the big pile of books beside me.

A walk would cool me off but a book would take me to another world where I don't have to think of the one i'm already in.

My mind wondered absently for a moment to Nala, who, seeing as it was her turn on fire duty in the morning, wouldn’t like it if it went out completely. I didn’t want to make her angry, nobody likes it when she’s angry- she would stop the air flowing into your lungs and make you beg for forgiveness.

Finally coming to the conclusion that Nala's temper was reason enough to chop down the whole forest just to keep her happy, I began to prop myself up on shaky elbows, but just as I was about to push my body up to a sitting position I saw a shadowy figure appear at the edge of the clearing.

The tall figure stepped closer and closer, as it did I could make out his features in the inky blackness that was the night, he had dark blonde hair that wisped in the breeze and big strong arms that were full of fire wood. He dumped the small pile of wood on the now dead fire and slumped down on his favourite fold out chair.

His presence in any place at first glance would be terrifying, but that’s at first glance, if you looked closer you would see a goofy grin with pearly white teeth staring happily back at you that would make the most grumpiest person smile with joy. This is Max, my best friend and cousin.

When he sat down he started poking at the fire with a long charred stick that everyone in our camp calls ’The Fire Stick’, this stick must only be used for stoking the fire and not for fire wood because the last person who did, broke their leg a moment after. So, now everybody says it’s a curse or something…what can I say, we’re a superstitious bunch, yet we have two black cats.

Max started humming a song that he hums every time he is happy -which is all the time- the tune is so catchy everyone starts humming it without realising.

I started humming along with his melody but stopped when he jumped in surprise, he must of thought I was still asleep. As if on queue he said.

"I thought you were still asleep".

I laughed, something max only gets to hear and Bas, my dog -who thinks she’s a cat(long story).

"Whats so funny?" He asked "have i got something on my face?" he added wile putting some coal dust on his face in an attempt to make me laugh more.

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