Scarlett's P.O.V - Two: Unfamiliar

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 Chapter Two: Unfamiliar


It's dark and I was alone.


It was a Saturday morning and I was at my Aunts house. I had lost all contact with my parents, the last time I saw them was on my 17th birthday two nights ago. They had been all pancy because...well, i don't know, they didn't say why. They told me to get in my car and drive to my Aunts, they didn't even mention when i was to come home.So, there I was, Sitting there staring at the ceiling and wondering why their last words to me were "you are special, use it to your advantage",  not a i love you in sight, then they were gone. I have tried phoning, texting emailing, lettering, tweeting and no answer it is like they have disappeared from the earth or something though the last time I had seen them and I had a gut feeling it would be the last.

I jumpped with fright as a painting falls off the wall with a loud bang beside my bed.

I got up off of the soft bed to hang it back up on the wall. The picture looked like an oil painting of boys and wolves in a lush green forest, all looking happy, even the wolves oddly enough.

As I glanced around the room I see that there were many of these pictures, I lay back down on my bed.

There was no doubt that that these paintings are by far the prettiest I had ever seen, but they also made me feel at home.

The room that my Aunt had given me is a guest room, it isn't very big but that is okay, it feels cosy. the walls are a nice clean white and the only window in the room had black curtains that lets in the golden light from the sun, that rarely shines. Besides the paintings and the bed the only other thing that was in the room was a black ebony wooden bookshelf with only one book on it.

I felt so bored that i thought i would go and read it -it beets staring the ceiling. So I got up and made my way over to it, but before i could reach out for it the door swings open, getting in the way. My Aunt appears in the doorway, dressed still in her pyjamas.

breakfast is ready if you to come join me".

"No, I'm not hungry right now" i say, my voice barely above a mummer "Sorry".

My Aunt gave me what I can ony describe as a Pittyful/sad look. she stood there for a while, expecting me to say something. To be honest I was too sad for for conversation.

"see you later then?" she asked this almost as a question, then slammed the door.

"Yeah, Bye" I said a little to quietly, She probably didn't hear it, she had already left.


I didn't do much all day, after my aunt left i had forgotten about the book and decided to take a walk around town. the town of Forks in Washington. i board and started walking home when a the corner of my eye i saw a warning notice in a shop window. the ones cops put up to warn the public about stuff that no-one listen to. the warning stated:

BEWARE! Wolves have been sighted in the varsinity. DO NOT go into the woods. If do tell someone your going and go with someone yourselves.

then there was a picture of a wolf snarling. I laugh a decide to go home because it started to rain and i could feel a storm brewing.

 at home It is nine o'clock at night. I thought I would give that book a read because once again I am left with nothing better to do. Glancing over at the black wooden bookshelf, i realised that the book is gone. I sighed and flopped my head back down on the pillow, i guess i'll never know what the book was about.

I suddenly felt exauseted, the events of the past couple of days had tired me out. so i get ready for bed putting into my pj's that i pulled out of my bag. i had packed everything in a rush so everything was messy. The PJ's were light green and had a frog on them saying Hopping Mad!.

Before i went to get back into bed something white caught my eye on top of the bookshelf where the book had been. walking over to it i realises that it was a white piece of paper with messy writing on it thats far to hard to read. another wave of exhaustion hits me as i close my eyes for a second.

Desiding that, at that moment, i really didn't care what was written on the note and was far to tired, I slipped in between the fluffy white covers of my bed. Before long I was asleep.

....I saw two people, one of them looked like me and the other is a boy i had never seen before.

The boy was tall, and he walked closer and closer to me in fast fluid strids, extending his arms out to me. I stepped back, stunned by his quick movements, his big unatural orange eyes gazed into mine. He smiled, his teeth were a perfect white and very sharp looking.

i ran through a forest, as fast as i could, turning back to check i was not being followed. i stopped when i came to an empty field i walked around it for a couple of minutes staring at the serene beauty of nature when a dude with a camera appeared.

i do not mean a ditatal camera i mean the old cameras where there is a box on a tripod with ablack cover over the top of a persons head.i stared at him trying to figre why he was there and what he was taking a picture of .then they appeared suddenly as well .

the boy and the wolves in that oil painting posed ready for a photograph.

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written by Sarah

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2012 ⏰

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