5. I'm Snappin' Off Your Window Locks

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Sometimes you have to be able to close your eyes and think about what life could have offered you if your past didn't go the way it did.

Right now my life would have offered me
sitting on my couch with my mom eating our take out dinner from the diner across the street. We'd be watching old episodes of our favorite shows and drinking sparkling water.

But that's not what happened.

That's not what I can have.

It's been about an hour and Harvey still isn't home. Not that I'm counting down for the awkward tension to rise once again. No, I'm waiting for at least someone with a gun to come back since I'm alone in Gotham City.

I've never had someone in my life with a gun before. Well, kinda. My mother had one boyfriend. His name was Dave. Dave's job was very complex. He worked at a bank. But he told my mother and I that he always brought a gun for protection. After a while my mother broke it off with him because when he came over after work he'd still brig his gun into our apartment. My mother didn't want any violence in my life. She said when she was little violence happened all the time. She didn't want the same for me.

How ironic.

The sound of the antique clock on the wall keeps pulling me back to the unfortunate reality which is my life. My stomach growls as I look at the time. It's nine thirty. Normal kids would be out with their friends on a Saturday night at this time. But me? I'm waiting for my father to come home with a gun. Seems legit.

Back home my friends and I would all be at my place chilling and listening to the newest music and dancing around my entire apartment while my mom goes and gets a large pizza for us all to share. Billy would be dancing on the couch and be pulling me up to dance while Raven video records it, Cindy plays with the lights, and and Kit picks the best songs. Then my mom would walk in and we'd all sit down on the small couch, scrunched together, eating pizza and watching Bambi on the tv.

A sharp pain stabs my heart and suddenly it feels like I can't breath. She's gone. I'm gone. They're gone. It's all gone. I quickly grab my laptop and open it up and Skype my friends. We all created a group Skype a while back. All at the same time they all accept the request and their beautiful faces pop up. And that's when I lose it. Tears streamed down my face.

"Guys!" I cry out with so much pain that if this was a wound I'd be dead.

"Shhh." Cindy hushes. "Honey it's ok, what's wrong?"

I take short breaths trying to keep calm.

"I hate it here. I wanna be home! With you guys. On my couch with pizza and movies and dance parties. With my mom." I say kinda calmly.

"Baby you know we want that too." Kit smiles.

"We miss you so much, and her. And it hurts. It really hurts. But-but hurting can't bring her back." Raven chokes up.

"Jessie nothings the same without you. You held us all together." Billy chimes in.

All of this has taught me one thing. My family is in New Hampshire. And no matter what, our family won't break apart. No matter how far one of us is.

"Guys?" I call out. All of them look up at me. "Our family is the lock."

"And our lives are the key." All four of them reply and we all pull up our sleeves.

Two years ago we all got a tattoo to bring us closer together. A special bond for all of us. The four of them each got a different key, I got a lock. Our friendship cannot be destroyed. It's not one of those "you move away you loose everything" kind of gigs. No. We're a family. Forever.

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