Starting over

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School. One of my worst fears that's to say, that's simply because well, it's like a courtroom. Everything you say everything you do, you're judged

People think they can use and abuse you all because of one word.

They think they can throw your word upside down...

When after all it's your world -

Isn't it?

People always say "Lisa are you like, ever going to be normal"

When the idea stalks my mind what exactly is normal?

And why does it matter, and at this point of thinking my face is being shoved in my lunch.

I really thought I would never make it into society. I thought I was just a default to society.

Then I met Cory...

He was everything any girl would ever want, any girl except me.

To make it worse he would follow me everywhere. Annoy me till I was at my breaking point.

Anybody would've said he liked me cause I was well... me!

Soon after we started dating I realised that he only wanted me for my body

Then there was that dark day. The day my eyes opened up to the real world full of darkness and shadows

How could a person do such a thing?

Why was the real question.

Anyway here I am with my mouth taped and strapped to a toilet

So much for moving up the popularity ladder...

Thanks for reading

Next chapter coming soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2014 ⏰

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