Cake, Love, and Murder

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(AN: Hey there everyone! I was just recently looked at the feedback over this little story of mine, and decided to add another part. Ok disclaimer I did get an request to add a bit more Johnlock in this part. I know that sometimes this subject is a bit touchy with some I tried to not stray far from the main relationship with Mycroft and reader but increased Sherlock and John's. I hope you all enjoy the part. I also kinda warn you guys I did write a lot....I just hope it all flows...-LL)

Being engaged is like being in a rush. Life flies by without you even comprehending not just the smallest details but the big ones that seem to almost hit you in the face on the way out. Almost like your brain can't piece together reality all because of that sparkling rock sitting only centimeters away from your ring finger. Love is a funny can be once in a lifetime, but grows with the many smiling faces you see. "(Y/n)?....Earth to (y/n) your chips are getting cold." You snap back from your little trance to be sitting in central park with Greg waving his hand in front of your face before stealing a chip. Narrowing your eyes in a playful fashion you lightly slap away his hand. "Oi, no, you chip thief." Greg chuckles placing the chip in his teeth leaning back. "Well if you don't quite keep staring out in space hoping to see the Doctor I wouldn't have too."

A smile forms on your lips as you lean into his side popping a chip in your mouth. "I do not stare into space....fine I do, but I can't help it....It's a lot to take it." You said holding up your left hand displaying the ring. "Well here" Greg sets down his chip bag licking his fingers before grabbing onto your hand inspecting the diamond. After a few seconds of him pulling your hand up to his eye and then back away. Then flips you hand from the top to your palm and back he lets go of your hand retrieving his chip bag once more leaning back. "What do you think inspector?" you whisper sliding close to his side awaiting a answer. Nodding Greg pulls out a chip placing it between your teeth "I think that you have great complexion." You gasp in shock dramatically laying your head into his lap. "And here I thought I was going mad." "oh but you are, but that's ok only the best people are." Smiled Greg placing his hands against your cheeks puffing them out making your lips become like a fish.

Letting out a breathless laugh you sit up as Greg's mobile beeped. "Well speak of the devil, has it been 30 minutes already?" Greg shrugged standing up throwing the rest of his chips in a nearby trash bin. Groaning in disappointment you slowly stand up straightening your jacket. "You know I could just have Anderson take care of things, he is just dying to do all that paperwork." Shaking your head with a small giggle you walk up throwing your chip bag away. "Oh no, you are going back I need my two best boy friends, and my best two best girl friends for dress shopping" A look of absolute horror flashed in Greg's eyes as he imagined Sherlock shopping for a dress. Seeing this you pull him into a hug smiling, "don't worry Greg, Sherlock wants to pick out the cake, John is coming." Greg's muscles relaxed as he hugged back before saying his goodbyes making back to Scotland Yard. "And don't forget, tomorrow at Baker Street 10 o'clock, yeah?" You yell to him receiving a thumbs up, and smile before making your way back to Baker Street.

Upon arriving you glance up at the door see it wide open, and men carrying boxes of wedding planning things up and down the stairs. "Oh no." you breathed carefully making your way upstairs. "No! No, the cake models goes on the kitchen table! Come on your daft man use your head for once in your pathetic life!" screamed Sherlock surrounded with books, computers, and envelopes. "Bad time?" I whisper to Mary and Mrs. Hudson who were printing and stuffing invites. Mary raises her eyebrows closing a envelope glancing at Sherlock who was lost in his mind palaces rummaging through boxes. "Well he has been like this ever since you left to go see Greg, by the way how was your time together?" "Did you tell him about tomorrow?" Asked Mary placing the last envelopes in a basket next to her. Before you could answer a hand clamps itself onto your shoulder turning you around into a bear like hug. "(Y/n) I'm so glad that you are here." Whining from lack of oxygen you hug the young Holmes boy back. "Sherlock.....need air.."

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