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Chapter One.

                    Michael shifts his weight from one leg to the other, hands shoved firmly into the pockets of his black denim jacket as his tired green eyes scan the road. First, he looks up to the top, then looks back down before finally resting his weight against the bus stop.

Taking the bus to school isn't considered glamorous, especially when you're an eighteen year old with a car parked in the driveway; but Michael's always conscious about the amount of money he invests in his vehicle. He would rather be able to eat at school, than spend his lunch money on a fill up. He will drive to school, eventually.

The school bus finally appears at the top of the road, and Michael straightens himself out; sticking his arm out before dropping it back down by his side once the bus indicated left. He watched as it pulled to a stop in front of him, the vehicle emitting an unhealthy wheeze as the doors clanked open.

Usually, Michael would have mumbled a small good morning to the bus driver as he entered the bus; but today, he didn't.

He stays silent the entire way down the middle of the bus until he finds an empty seat at the back; dropping his bag on the aisle seat before slipping into the one by the window, letting out a small sigh as he stares out at the street.

It feels weird getting the bus without Tegan. She always saved him a seat, since she was one of the first to get on. He'd meet her on the bus, and they'd listen to music; sharing his earphones. He missed having her around.

Michael sits in silence for ten minutes before he finally pulls his phone out of his pocket, deciding to block out the excessive chatter that was going on around him. He scrolls through his Spotify library before choosing a suitable playlist, slipping the buds of his earphones into his ears before letting the music play on shuffle.

He gets through five songs by the time the bus finally rolls to a stop outside of the high school, and he already knows he's not prepared to spend an entire day there.

Up until now, Michael hadn't thought about what he was going to do once he got to school. Now that Tegan was gone, and definitely, wouldn't be coming back; he didn't have anybody any more. He didn't have anybody to sit with, nor did he have anybody to speak to. It was like he was back at square one all over again, like he was fifteen again; before Tegan had transferred.

Michael's dad thought he was going through the denial stage of grieving, and maybe that was why he hadn't thought this far ahead; because he didn't want to admit that she was really gone.

He stops for a moment as he approaches the school, standing in the middle of the courtyard. He stands for a few minutes, and stares up at the building; trying to will himself to go inside. People shove past him, in a hurry to get to class - or to their friends - and he's sure they're scoffing at him but he can't hear over his music.

Passing Through A Screen Door by The Wonder Years blasts through his earphones, and has essentially cut him off from the rest of the world. He lets out a sigh as he pulls his phone out of his phone, switching the song to Madelyn - sticking to the same album before heading into the building.

He makes his way through the crowded hallways, keeping his hands in his pockets and his head low as he navigates his way through the other students; finally coming to a stop outside his first class of the day.

Michael peaks into the classroom, insures that it's empty, before letting himself in; letting out a small sigh as he moves to the back of the room, dropping his bag down on the desk before dropping himself down into the seat.

When the teacher - Mr Dixon - enters, he doesn't spot Michael straight away. He sits at his own desk, with a coffee; and notices the teenager at the back of the room as he sips on his drink. He watches the young man for a moment, before finally speaking up.

"Good Morning, Michael," Mr. Dixon calls across the classroom as he shifts through some paper; raising to his feet before making his way to the back of the room so that he can hand out some work for the lesson, "I'm sorry to hear about Tegan, I hope you're okay. If you ever need to talk, my room is always open."

Michael knows that his teacher means well, but he can't help but deny the help he's offered. He shakes his head as he pulls the sheet of paper closer to himself, glancing it over before turning his attention to the teacher.

"I'm fine," the red haired man snaps slightly before quickly glancing away. He is in denial, and he will continue to deny his feelings for the next couple of days; maybe even for the next couple of weeks.

Mr. Dixon returns to the front of the classroom, just in time for the rest of the students to start filing into the room. Nobody looks at him, nobody acknowledges him and it's almost as though he's not there.

It's no different to any other day, but it feels so much worse for Michael; because Tegan isn't there. For once, he really might as well not be there because he doesn't even have her to acknowledge him. He doesn't have Tegan there to remind him that he does matter and that he is loved.

Invisible [Michael Clifford]Where stories live. Discover now