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Will The Wise

Will The Wise

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My eyes fluttered open, the dark sky shined above me, the screeching of the monster still vaguely heard, my hearing buzzing slightly.

I turned over onto my side, peering up at the monster that was swirling around Will, my anger evident as I bit my lip, I needed to protect him, I wouldn't let some monster stop me from doing that.

I slowly but carefully dragged myself up off the floor, swaying slightly, I took a deep breath before running towards Will, jumping in between him and monster.

A screeching noise came from it, I gasped and felt something enter my body, the feeling was painful and eerie, but mostly painful....that was before my eyes fluttered open again, this time i was back in reality.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Mike asked, his arms still wrapped around me, tightening his grip slightly.

"For the thousands time, Mike." I started, kissing his cheek before pulling away from him "I'm fine."

"Okay, but that totally freaked me out." Max spoke from beside us, we had just watched Joyce walk Will towards her car. "Did that not freak you guys out?"

"Two episodes in two days" Lucas spoke up.

"it's getting worse." Mike spoke up "especially now I've seen Eliza have one, I never want to see that again."

"Yeah, why didn't you tell us sooner, E?" My brother asked, placing his hand on my Shoulder.

"It's complicated." I sighed "I feel connected to Will in a way, like I felt when he disappeared last year."

"Connected?" Lucas asked.

"Like, last year. I could feel Will's emotions, even when he was in the Upside Down." I started to explain "But ever since that night at the arcade, I feel like I'm apart of him now, like I'm meant to protect him or something."

"Maybe." Lucas spoke "do you think you both have True sight?"

"What's True sight?" Max asked, she had stayed quiet through my conversation, which I was glad about since I knew she had no idea what I was talking about.

Mike, Dustin and I all turned to give him a look, he just looked back at us before speaking "nothing."

We turned back to watch Joyce pulling off the grass the parked on and onto the road, I could still feel the terror radiating from Will, I also held that same emotion.
I looked around, darkness surrounded me, but not the type that was calm and relaxing, but the type that made you want to hide under your blanket until the monsters, the shadows made you see, went away.

But this time I didn't have my blanket to hide under as I stood face to face with that horrifying monster, the way it turned to look at me made me shiver. All I wanted to do was run away and cry to my mother, but I was alone.

DEEP END ~> MIKE WHEELER.                     (BOOK 2, SEASON 2) Where stories live. Discover now