The sister

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I woke up to the sound of banging on my apartment door, as I sat up I heard someone yell "this is the police open up." I ran down stairs and opened the door, 3 police men showed me there badges and told me they had a warrent to search my house. They walked in and my dog started barking, as I said "why, didn't do anything."

"You've been placed at the seen of a crime," one of them told me. "What crime!" I exlaimed
"A house robbery," he said as he looked at me like he knew I was guilty.

Then he joined his team in searching my apartment. They searched my whole place as they arrested me. When we got to the prescient they put me in a room and handcuffed me to the table. I waited in the room for about a half an hour, then 2 men came in. They told me their names then began to asked me questions, "where we're you last night and what were you doing.","i was at home watching tv, then I put my dog in his kennel and went to bed." I anserd truthfully.

They asked more quistions and i anserd the they just left. After awhile someone else came in and asked more quistions. "Do you have any siblings," she asked calmly. "1 or 2" I responded "1 or 2, how sure you not sure," she sounded a little angry. "My mom had 3 girls but she gave 1 away." "Ok, do you know why." "No," i responded.

"How long ago, and how old were you and your siblings." "It 15 years ago, my older sister Jenifer was 6, i was 4, and Ava was 3," i told her. "Sarah , your records never showed a 3rd child, and they barley have any info on you and your older sister." "That mskes since my mom wasnt the best mom, and she didn't take the best care of us that's why child services took us," i said looking down. "The description is realy close to you, but if your telling the truth it may have the sister that was given away."


I'm thinking about make this a separate book, what do you think.

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