Woken by Jack

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"You're the reason we're lost!" Cried out a deep voice somewhere nearby, waking you up, though you kept your eyes closed out of fear.

"Not exactly, you were too busy chasing that enderman; I tried to tell you you didn't know where you were going, but you weren't really paying attention. I had nothing to do with your confusion," another, similarly deep voice responded calmly. You closed your eyes tighter.

"I was paying attention!" The first man demanded.

A rather erie chuckle then silence.

"Wait!" The first man called out once more, "where are you going?" His words were laced with frustration.

"Back to Achievement City," the second man called out, much further from you than the first.

Suddenly you felt a burst of pain in your right side. You couldn't hide your consciousness any longer, you bolted into an upright sitting position, grabbing your side and wincing as the pain slowly died down. When you finally pried your eyes away from your side you noticed a man laying on the ground, face down; probably the man demanding he was lost. "Oh my god! Are you okay?" you shrieked in suprise and fear of his pain and anger.

"Yeah I think so," he sat up and then squinted his eyes at you in confusion, "you're not Ryan," he said in a tone you couldn't recognize.

"Nope, I'm definitely not any Ryan," you said with a laugh. "But is that who you're looking for?" You pointed a finger to the blonde who was barreling towards you two in a panic. This bearded man in front of you nodded, still confused.

"I turned around and you were on the ground next to a woman," Ryan said with a pant. "What the fuck happened out here?"

"I'm not really sure," the other man spoke.

"You're never any help."

The other man scowled.

"And you are?" The blonde turned his attention to you.

You gave him your name as he took your hand and helped you to your feet.

"I'm Ryan and this is Jack," Ryan smiled at you and you both looked to the bearded man struggling to his feet. You chuckled at him under your breath.

When Jack eventually got to a standing position, he flipped Ryan off and turned to you, "It's nice to meet you," he took your hand and shook it in a gentlemanly gesture.

"It's nice to meet you too," you smiled warmly at him and he did the same in return.

Ryan broke the unnecessarily long gaze exchanged between you two, "we should start heading back to Achievement City."

Both your and Jack's faces turned pink upon realizing how long you had been looking at each other. But at the mention of this 'Achievement City' he became enraged, "that's what caused this whole mess!" He screamed, causing you to jump, "we don't know where it is!"

Ryan laughed and you immediately recognized it as the same eerie laugh you heard earlier. He then pulled a map out of the back of (oh god is that a kilt?), opened it and immediately began his walk in the same direction he had been going before.

You turned and saw Jack's face slowly become more and more red with sheer rage. You put a hand on his shoulder and he looked at you, his expression immediately softened.

You began following Ryan, but Jack took a stubborn expression and once again refused to move. You tried for a good minute or two to drag him, but he was too strong for you and stayed in his place. It wasn't until you held his hand that he moved.

And so, hand in hand, you and Jack tried your best to keep up with Ryan who had taken quite the lead in the time it took to get Jack to move.

You were first to speak up, "so what's 'Achievement City'?"

Jack looked down at you, trying to think of what to say, "its more of a little village," he chuckled, "there's just me and five other men, when we get there I'll introduce you to them." He smiled and you continued your walk with small bits of banter, nothing too interesting, until you reached a giant star emblem in the ground with six buildings surrounding it. You spotted about five of men standing grouped together, you also noted Ryan among them. As soon as Ryan spotted you, however, he made his way towards you and Jack, who had let go of each other's hand long ago. The group followed soon after, buzzing with curiosity and excitement upon seeing a new person in their ranks. You caught bits of conversation and concluded that you were the only female ever found out here, there hasn't been anyone new for over three years, and you heard about three of them point out that you were 'kinda hot.'

You looked to Jack for support and he opened his mouth to speak, but before he could begin to speak, a man jumped in and took your hand.

You looked to him in surprise and noted his green apparel and the mess of sandy blond hair atop his head. He lifted your hand to his mouth and lay a gentle kiss on your knuckles.

After all the boys had backed out of your personal bubble, Jack opened up his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by Geoff pulling you aside.

"So now that you know everyone," Geoff began, "you need a place to stay. It's your choice of loser to stay with."

(Now you gotta choose who you want to stay with !!!! How exciting for you !! (But really I'm gonna be coming out with cool new chapters like really soon. But I don't know who to do first, so drop me a suggestion in the comments !!!))

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2014 ⏰

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