Hey y'all

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[ Admin ]

Hey. I know this is my old message board but everyone has this one added to their library I guess, so I'll post on this one.

If you haven't noticed, I haven't been consistently active for almost a year now. My most active days were late in 2015, if active is even enough to describe it. I was, in fact, addicted to this app. I would be so focused on my chats I would pop my head out of the shower every couple of minutes to reply, and I would sit and my grandparents' house just writing away instead of socializing. Before I address what I may want to do with this account, I have some apologies.

Enderiox Although I know you will likely never see this, I do apologize for making you feel pressured into being on this app when you didn't want to be, and most of all for the suicide mix-up. It was cheap and unnecessary plot device that ended up making you feel really afraid, and I took it even further as to make your character feel bad for being upset about the whole ordeal. I know I apologized after we cleared things up, but yeah, I still feel bad for that and can't believe I didn't realize at the time how inappropriate a fake suicide is, even in roleplay.

Taroon_Summers I'm sorry for how I treated you when I was going through confusion with Ender. I was unsure if he would return or not so I was up and down about expressing affection or not. And correct me if I'm wrong, but if I recall I believe Lexi even straight up dumped Taroon after Ender briefly returned. I was dishonest and I can't imagine how annoying and even hurtful it must have been for you. I took complete advantage of your kindness and loyalty to Lexi and myself, and it's just very unfair to you.

damiiiV Hi icon, I know I've apologized many times but I do wish to say I'm sorry for making you feel pressured to write with me when you wanted a break. I'm glad our friendship has absolutely thrived outside of this app, and I'm so grateful for that. Thanks for all the great writing material, love.

Spidxr-Man GOSH WAS I EVER ANNOYING. I know back in the day I asked so many times if I was annoying you and said no, but I never believed you, and I continued to push and push when you didn't reply. I feel awful for putting you on the spot about whether or not you actually wanted to roleplay or not, and just generally stupid about how many times I would reply to "get your attention." Really not my best moments, in fact one of the most embarrassing things I've done even including my stupid self OUTSIDE of this app. So yeah, really sorry about that, but thanks for being such a good sport with my dumb young self and I'd just like to let you know that your writing is great.

I'm sure there's more dumb stuff I've done that I could apologize for, but if I can't think of it, maybe it's okay. It's been more than a couple of years anyway.

Now, I'm not sure where I want to take this account. Currently I'm working on a Star Wars prequel fic, and I'm always tinkering with my stories with damiiiV but I'm not sure if I want to keep the Lexi branding. It's so fun being a part of a family here, I just don't know if I should separate my serious writing from roleplay, that is if there's really any more role playing to be done. I'm not sure.

I'll think about it as I'm working on my current story and we'll see. For now feel free to message me as an admin, or to chat character to character! Thanks all of you for your love and support.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2018 ⏰

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