•A Wolf's Dream•

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•A Wolf's Dream•

Dedicated to the song 'Take Me To My Dreams' By DHT and to all the wolf lovers out there!

Author's Notes: Ello! I have fallen in love with this song and felt like writing a short story.



A wolf with shimmering ocean blue eyes that were filled with sadness and silky black fur coated with blood, limped towards the entrance of a dark cave.

The skies were clouded with dark smoke. The forest trees burnt or destroyed from their roots below the earth. The grass and beautiful plant life that covered the rich soil no longer prospered. Only the dead and ashes remain.

The wolf's eyes slowly shut.

The sight of war crept into the wolf's mind. The two legged monsters fighting against each other. Their own kind.

The noise of guns fire and bombs exploding echo throughout the forest.

The birds flee in fright.

The animals were killed from the war or ran to who knows where. Tears shedding from their eyes watching their young suffer. Encountering in man kind's true nature. The carelessness of others as they ignored the cries of the young who watched their home, the place they were born and lived become destroyed.

The memories of a peaceful forest now gone. The sounds of mother earth's children no longer heard.

If only my dream would come true.....people say 'all dreams can come true.' right?


Not all dreams can come true, no matter how much you plea or work for it.

If it is true why hasn't mine come true?

The wolf's eyes slowly opened and widened at the sight of a rich forest. The skies bright and plant life everywhere glistened with the sun's shimmering rays.

As the wolf sat up it could see more clearly.

In front, a group of wolves with smiles and a glow of gold light bowed, feathery wings appearing from their backs.

"Welcome." They whispered.

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