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My eyes flutter open to see a bright floresent light above me.

I rip an IV tube out of my arm and pull the tubes out of my nose.

The machines next to me shutter, blink and flash with alarms.

I hear a loud army of foot steps headed towards the automatic sliding door, so I hide behind the bed, pressed against the wall.

My senses flicker and I feel rage bubbling inside of me as the large guards open the door.

Armed with guns, they look around the circular room, confused.

A bald man wearing a lab coat and heavy black boots enters the room in the center of the guards.

"Search for her. And by all means, do not kill her." He says, turning to leave.

Just before the door slides back open to let him out, he shoots a glance over his shoulder.

"Here, kitty kitty" He says devilishly.

That's it.

I hiss loudly and leap out from the safety of the bed, my skinny figure shaking to it's core.

I jump unto the man's back and automatically, each gun is pointed towards me.

I look down at my hands and realize what has happened to me.

I place my razor-sharp claws like knives at the back of his neck, growling and snarling.

My muscles calm when I look back at the guards. 

"You shoot me," I say, "He will die as well."

But I know that they don't want me dead.

I decide to deal with the bald man later, lunging towards one of the guards, sinking my claws into his chest and dragging them out.

The guard falls to the floor as a bullet sails past my long, whiteish blonde hair.

I turn to face the shooter and my vision changes.

Everything looks strange... and I see colors I've never seen before.

I look into the barrel of the guards gun to see my pupils change from black dots to thin slits.

"What have you done to me?" I say as a tear falls from my deep green eyes that have drastically changed.

Another bullet soars towards my head, but I dodge it... which, is not phisically possible.

Time just seems to slow as I lean to the left, the bullet skimming my ear.

I attack the rest of the guards, just like the last, nearly dragging their hearts from their chests.

The bald man's facial expression is complete shock, his hands quivering as he reaches for a gun of the floor.

"Drop it" I whisper, hissing.

"You're the only one that worked," He says, "It's so sad I have to kill you..."

He sets the gun and I squeeze my eyes shut tight, preparing to die.

Suddenly, the man's face goes pale and he falls foward on his face, revealing the young boy behind him.

I instantly realize what he's done.

He killed the man... and saved me.

"What are you?" I ask, slowly taking a step forward.

"I-I guess I'm supposed to be a... um,..." The boy stutters.

I tilt my head, my eyes dialating back to normal. I notice that he's just as scared as I am, and poses no threat.

"A wolf" He says finally, his hands shaking.

His veins that were before see-able through his skin have now relaxed to normal.

His crazy, short, dark brown hair parts as he runs his fingers through it.

"I'm a cat... I think..." I mutter, taking another slow step toward him.

Cautiously, we touch our hands together, feeling eachother's skin.

He grins, exposing his white, perfect teeth.

I smile back, not knowing what else to do.

"Now," He begins, "Let's get the hell out of here."

He leads me towards a set of metal drawers across the room, "Here," he says, taking a tank top and denim shorts from the top drawer.

"You'll need these..." He quietly closes the drawer, and I look into the dark brown eyes, then at my current clothes: an orange jump-suit, like a prisoner would wear.

He presses his right hand against the steel wall, leading us back to the door. 

"We have to stop by my room," He begins, "To get my clothes... and glasses."

I grin, taking  his hand and exiting the room. 

In the distance, we hear another crowd of heavy boots rushing towards us.

We shove ourselves into a random, small, cleaning closet, pressed together.

"The experiments have gone horribly wrong" a guard shouts from the hall.


Oh, that's right, experiments.

Fifteen years ago, thousands of new born babies, who's mother's died during childbirth, were taken to a top secret research facility to be genetically altered through out there life.

So, here I am, 55% human, 45% feline

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