Chapter 4

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I slowly turned the doorknob and prayed my mom or dad wouldn't see me from where they currently stood in the kitchen. I was extremely sleepy and I didn't feel like doing anything, let alone go to school.

"Almost there," I whispered to myself and I slowly pulled the front door open. Just as I was stepping out..

"Have a good day at school Chass!" My dad called after me .

"Yeah thanks dad!" I yelled back and tried to escape before my mom could say anything .

"CHASSIDY! Get back here now!" She yelled.

Here goes maniac mode . I sighed before turning around.

"Good morning to you too mom," I said blandly as she walked up to me.

"Don't good morning me! THREE of your teachers called me yesterday afternoon," she yelled . "It's only the second day of the term Chassidy! Explain to me why you couldn't get to class on time!"

"My grades from first semester were perfect," I said nonchalantly while grabbing an apple and taking a bite out of it. "I don't think being on time really matters. Two minutes doesn't make a difference."

"Watch the attitude," my dad chimed in .

"Oh come on dad. Not you to," I said and he just stared at me. Here he goes backing her up again.

"Well I wonder where I get the so called 'attitude' from. My father who is glaring at me and my mom who is screaming at the top of her lungs?"

With that, I headed to my car. I did not have time for my parents to ruin my day before it even started.

After about a 15 minute drive, the Lake View High School sign appeared to my left. The school was pretty big I guess. There were three floors and the school had a north, south, east and west wing. We were pretty good in basketball and football and for the most part, everyone knew each other because we'd been going to school together since preschool.

I quickly parked and before heading into the school, I admired my outfit's reflection off my car.

Just as I smoothed out my dress and fluffed my infinity scarf, a pick-up truck pulled into the parking space next to me.

I coughed a little as my nose was filled with what seemed like cow manure and... Grass.

I flared my nose upward and waited curiously as the mystery man stepped out of the car. I squinted my eyes trying to pierce through the tinted windows, but it was no use. I'd never seen this car before.

I noted the small strands of hay hanging from the tires. Who was this? Some farm boy?

" Oh goodie.. We have ourselves a country boy," I let slip out teasingly as the driver's door opened.

To my dismay, out stepped someone I already disliked with a burning passion.

The guy with the bad attitude from yesterday hopped out of the car and stared at me blankly.

"Huh, behold everyone. It's Superman."

"A simple good morning would be nice too you know," he stated grimly and shut the car door behind him.

I smacked my teeth and before I even got a chance to say something back, he started to head for the building's north entrance.

"Hey wait up!" I yelled and tried my best to jog up to him. It was pretty difficult considering I was wearing heels, but I managed.

"You know I didn't need your help yesterday," I stated and stared at him expectantly.

"You didn't?" He said and grabbed my arm, causing me to wince slightly. "That's bruising really nicely."

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