Chapter 10: The Call

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Ava's POV

I hum in satisfaction as I bite into my chocolate bar. Currently I'm hiding in the bathroom eating chocolate since Ryan says that apparently you have to eat actually food before sweets. Which is not true in my opinion.

So like the brave person I am I told him I don't care what he says and I'm eating my chocolate. Then when he threatened to punish me I sneakily stole one and ran to the bathroom.

I jump when there is sudden banging on the door.

"Ava why is the chocolate missing"

I stay quiet as I quickly scarf the rest of the chocolate down. I stand up with the empty wrapper in my hand as I panic. If I throw it in the trash he will see it and then I'm busted.

I finally decide to flush it down the toilet hoping that I don't clog it. As the banging increases and Ryan's voice raises I quickly fix myself so there is no chocolate covering my face or hands.

When I'm 100% sure I'm in the clear and I open the door with a innocent smile plastered on my face.

"Ava I fucking swear if you ate that chocolate lord help me no actually lord help you if you didn't listen to me" Ryan growls as he searches my face and hands for any chocolate.

Then he steps inside checking the trash can and I smile in success. I knew he was going to check there.

Score 1 Ava!

"I don't know what your talking about Ryan I just had a stomach ache silly"

I add a giggle at the end to make me seem even more innocent. He doesn't buy it as his eyes narrow on me.

Suddenly he smirks before it turns into an innocent smile of his own. I furrow my brows in confusion. What the heck is he thinking? What's going on in that head of his?

"Fine baby I believe you now give me a kiss before I go make us some food" he says with a over exaggerated sigh.

I think of it as I give him speck on the lips. But he has other plans as he picks me up off the floor making me wrap my legs around his waist for support as well as my arms around his neck.

"What are you doing I want food" I mumble.

He doesn't say anything as he leans in for a another kiss this one is more rougher as he pushes me onto the wall and sticks his tongue in my mouth.

"Your definitely getting a punishment now"

"Wait what did I even do" I say in shock as his mood swings.

"You fucking lied to me I can taste the chocolate when I kissed you Ava"

I gasp "you tricked me that's why you wanted a kiss you you you chocolate hater"

He puts me down as he sighs and rubs his temples. Looks like I'm giving him a headache good it's his fault for taking my chocolate what an idiot.

"Why do you have to do the opposite of what I tell you"

"Don't tell me to do stuff then"

"That's it"

He grabs me bringing me over his shoulder and throws me onto the bed. Well shit.

"It was an accident I swear"

"Oh really Ava did the chocolate just slip into your mouth"

I gasp dramatically "how did you know"

He grabs my ankle bringing me to him and I hear my heart thumping in my ears out of excitement.

He leans closer then tenses up when the doorbell resonates throughout the house. His darkened eyes narrow and he growls out 'stay here'

As soon as he leaves the room I do as well. I follow him close enough so I can see him but not close enough so he can see me.

He opens the door and I see him tense up from the corner I'm peeking from.

"Not now"

I almost flinch at Ryan's deadly tone.

"It's important" the guy says casually yet there's a undertone of desperation.

"It can wait, tell Michael to deal with it"

With that Ryan closes the door and sighs turning around abruptly. I basically sprint to his room and sit in the bed my heart racing from the sudden run.

An idea pops into my head and I smirk. I quickly go to his door and lock it. I sit back in the bed thinking my decision over.

I know he's gonna be mad at me but he was already so I'm just gonna go with the flow.

I hear footsteps and the door handle jingle.

"What the fuck, Ava open the door and stop messing around" Ryan growls out.


It gets quiet after that and then all of a sudden he's banging on the door making me jump.

"Ava this is my house open the door kitten or your getting an even bigger punishment"


I hear him cursing and his footsteps slowly walking away "just wait till I get you Ava"

I gulp okay so maybe that wasn't such a good idea.

A ring echoes throughout the room and I looked over to see his phone lighting up. It reads Michael. This sudden urge takes over me and before I know what I'm doing I'm answering his phone.


"It's done boss I took care of him, you want me to dispose of him in the usual spot"

I feel my blood rushing through my head and the sound of my heartbeat quickening. I hang up and I feel my breath quicken as well.

I stand up suddenly feeling sick and sweaty.

This can't be happening, what if it was a wrong number, no he had it saved in his contacts. This is real.

The door unlocks and Ryan enters with a smirk on his face and a key in his hand.

"You really think you could hide from me kitten"

I freeze and I feel the fear overtake my system as I take a step back.

He notices this and drops his smirk a frown taking its place "are you ok, I'm not going to hurt you, you know I would never"

He says softly and takes a step closer. My eyes widen and I feel my breath hitch.

"No" I manage to croak our.

His eyebrows furrow "what's wrong"

We both turn to look over at his phone as it lights up with a call from Micheal.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2018 ⏰

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