The Sickened Daughter

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                                                                                                  March 20, 1692

                                                                                                  A Quiet Evening

                                                                                      Powerful Colonists Home

Doctor: Bewitchment.

Father: S-Sorry sir, I don't seem to understand.

Doctor: Your daughter has no illness, she has been bewitched.

Father: What do you mean?

Doctor: *Packing up things* I must go there is nothing I can do for her now, may God be with you.

Father: No! You can't go her fever is skyrocketing, and she is getting paler by the day. There must be something, anything I can do! The father frantically grabs the doctors coat large tears in his dull gray eyes.... please....

Doctor: -soft look- Maybe, if you manage to find the witch who did this to your daughter, and manage to rid of her... your daughter's sickness may go as well. Now, good night. The doctor leaves shutting the door. The father stands in the foyer speechless. Worried, he turns and walks to his dear daughters room.

He enters his daughters room. The curtains are drawn and the oil lamp is dim. There is a regal looking bed in the middle of the room, covered in blankets made of silk. The covers are packed tightly around the pale girl laying in the room, her eyes closed. The father walked over to his daughter's bedside and sits down gently, so his daughter stays asleep. He sits on the bed gazing at his daughter a worried look plastered on his face. He outstretched his arm and slowly puts his hand on her head.

Daughter: Father? *Cough* Is that you?

Father: Yes, how are you feeling?

Daughter: A bit better... *weeze* what did the doctor say?


Father: Do not worry, you will be better in no time. -smiles warmly-

Daughter: Oh, *Cough Cough* good, I was worried for a second there... Her voice trails off, and she stares blankly at the ceiling.

Father: Betty, dear, you there? The daughter looks back at her father, tears in her eyes.

Daughter: Sorry, I know everything will be alright... it is just, I still do not feel well, and sometimes I do not feel like me at all.. So, I would like to get some rest. Her voice was weak but soft, only causing the father to worry more.

Father: O-Okay, I will leave you be, but if you need anything, even the most of trivial of things do not hesitate to ask me, understand? Worry krept into his voice as his daughter nodded lightly. He stood up and walked out the door, gently closing it behind him. -murmuring- If I must find a witch to help my daughter so be it... He marched towards the door, grabbed his hat and cloak.

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