Old lady - Another Batman story

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Old lady

Another Batman story

No variety. The supermarket had no variety. The particular fruit I was trying to purchase was green, moldy almost. Bananas. Just as I was about to leave the market, empty-handed without my sacred bananas, but out of no where a yellow banana pops out! But oh no I smothered the only ripe banana in the store, oh the scandal!

Gone mad, I take all the gross bananas and make a run for it causing quite the scene. I pushed down an old lady and comment "Thats what you get for not carrying ripe bananas" I later figure out that she was not the store clerk, I almost regret spitting on her.

Alas, I farted.

Little did I know, she was not the store clerk but BATMAN! As he revealed himself, I was not pleased, and continuously hit him with my bananas.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2010 ⏰

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