Chapter III | Smoke and Gunpowder

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A/N: Well look who updated at last! I'm so sorry for the wait between the chapters but it takes me a while to write a 3000 word chapter I'm actually happy with. Plus I have others books to write so I don't always prioritise this one. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the chapter, and please excuse any mistakes (because it's unedited as always)! >.<

"Vincent Valentine," the man introduced, holding out a hand for you to take. His skin was cold, calloused from heavy use of weaponry, his shake firm.

"[F/N] [L/N]," you returned. "It's good to meet you."

"Likewise," he said politely, disciplined, keeping his eyes lowered. You released his hand and started walking abreast down the gleaming white corridors of the mansion's underground facilities. Your boots clicked an even rhythm, staccato against the tiles. "How long have you been here?"

"All my life. I'm the daughter of one of the scientists here," you explained, stuffing your hands into the pockets of your blazer. "I was practically born a Turk."

"Not a scientist?"

You laughed quietly. "Definitely not. My mother says I'm all brawn and no brain."

Vincent's brow quirked. "You don't look all too brawny to me," he observed, his face straight but his voice lilting slightly with humour.

"Looks can be deceiving, y'know," you huffed.

His brows darkened suddenly, drawing close together. "Yes. I guess they can," he said mysteriously.

"You have a history here?"

"My father," he said simply, but again didn't offer an explanation. His guarded nature was to be expected in this line of work; it was always unwise to trust something more than yourself, but even that could be tricky when, for the most part, you were required to lie through your teeth.

"You're assigned directly to the lower levels," you said, not as a question, but Vincent nodded anyway. "Access down there is restricted for me, unless authorised directly by my boss or Hojo."

"I see."

"Then I guess this is where we part. If you have any questions, ask me or-"

"I'm sorry to interrupt," a voice said and the rest of your words fell short of your tongue. "I need to speak to Mr. Valentine."

The two of you turned to face the woman, who by appearance you knew to be Lucretcia Crescent. You hadn't spoken much with the scientist since she'd been assigned to the Jenova project, getting only glimpses of her as she walked past on her way to the lower labs.

Vincent, however, was obviously taking a much more interested approach to her than he had with you. All strict discipline and formality to the girl with the gun. The faintest of smiles and a relaxed brow to the girl in the lab coat.

You turned away. "I'll leave you two to it then."

Vincent nodded stiffly and then faced away, his hands relaxing by his sides as Lucretcia began to speak.

You fingered the hilt of your gun absently as you walked away down the corridor, the voices of the two behind you slowly fading into a smudge of noise.

You had just turned the corner when you heard the gunshot.

It was stark and sudden against the silence, leaving a heavy echo in your ears and a sting in the air that made goosebumps prick your skin. You drew your own weapon in a heartbeat, shifting its weight from each palm as you turned and ran back the way you came.

Infernal Devices | Vincent Valentine (Final Fantasy VII)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon