Kiss the girl readerxYami yugi (one shot)

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You've been dating yami yugi for 6 months and you've never had your first kiss with him, or at all. You started to wonder if he even wanted to kiss you,or loved you anymore. Yami asked you on a date, your going on a boat ride around domino city. This could either make or break your relationship and all yami has to do is 'kiss the girl'
Y/N=your name
E/C=eye color

Third persons POV

Y/N was wearing a blue and white stripped dress and has a lovely lace ribbon as a belt and her hair tied in a pony tail with a aqua bow tie.
Yami was in the same
Outfit as he usually wears but without his jacket. He has a black top and pants leather shoes and two belts one holding his cards.

"Y/N! hi are you ready to get going?" yami said after you opened the door and saw him standing there.

"Yes where are we going?" You asked walking outside closing the door.

"I was thinking a boat ride, around domino city. Is that alright with you?"he asked offering you his hand.

"It sounds fun!" You took his hand and walked next to him.

"Alright then let's go." he said beginning to walk.

On your way there you saw many other couples hugging and kissing. you began to feel uncomfortable and you blushed and looked down.

"Y/N? are you alright?" he asked letting go of your hand and wrapping his arm around your shoulder,pulling you closer to him.

" Y-yes I'm fine, a-are we close to the pier?" You asked looking the other way so he wouldn't see you blush.

"Yeah we're here" he pulled you to the side and turned around the corner and there you were in front of the pier and a boat with a paddler in the back.

You walked with yami as he lead you into the boat and you both sat in opposite ends since the boat was a little narrow.

"So I heard there was another tournament in duelist kingdom I'm deciding if I should enter or not." he said looking a bit exited.

You sighed softly,the same talk as usual. Yami never really talked about anything other then dueling.

"If you want to enter you should." you said not looking him in the eye, just watching the moon shine on the water.

"Alright then, I will! I'll see if Joey wants to come I'm sure teah and Tristan will come anyways."he said sounding exited.

"Right...." you said just sitting there staring out into the sea.

There you see you her siting in a blue lagoon she don't got a lot to say but there's something about her.

"Y/N?" yami moved forward placing his hand on your cheek. He stared into your E/C eyes and they looked So beautiful as the moonlight reflected in your eyes. he got closer to you. You closed your eyes and stuck out your lips a little bit. You could feel his breath tickle your lip. Then he pulled away and you opened your eyes disappointed.

You became a little disappointed in what just happened. "I-I'm sorry" yami said. What you didn't know was yami was dying to kiss you, he just didn't know if you wanted him to.

And you don't know why but your dying inside you know you want to kiss the girl nows your moment look at her you want her to.

Yami stared at you for the rest of the ride. He looked at you sadly while you just became more distant staring up at the sky.

its possible she want you to there's only one way to ask her.

Yami shook his head and got out of his seat and grabbed your shoulders, faced you towards him and looked you straight In the eyes.

"Y/N something's wrong, tell me what it is." yami said looking at you seriously.

"It's n-nothing!" you said blushing staring into his purple orbs.

"'s something tell me what is Y/N"

You closed your eyes and started to tear up. you opened your eyes roughly and all those tears fell out of your eyes like a waterfall.

"Why?!?! why won't you kiss me?!? don't you love me?!? Yami, I love you!! please tell me why?" you said letting Your tears fall freely.

"Y-Y/N I love you so much...i was scared to kiss you I didn't know if you wanted me to I was afraid if I did you wouldn't like it, I love you.

Go on and kiss the girl

"Y-yami....i love you to" you smiled sweetly at yami as new tears began to fall, but this time they were happy tears.

Yami grabbed you by your waist and said "But I'm not scared anymore...i think I've made us both Waite long
Go on and

Finally you two shared a amazing romantic kiss for 2-3 minutes both pulling away repeating it again and again

Kiss the girl.

Kiss the girl readerxYami yugi (one shot)Where stories live. Discover now