The 76th Hunger Games|Chapter Two

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Peacekeepers completely surrounded the scene. The old Hankins couple were pulled away and the father was killed despite Tommy's bravery. The peacekeepers were told to bring Tommy back to the Capital so they could run tests on him (at least, that's what I heard).

Later, even though Tommy had died almost 3 hours beforehand, The Reaping was held. I dressed in a black, velvety lace dress. My mom had stolen it from a Capital tourist who had left her bag on the ground when stepping out of her vehicle. That car in particular amazed me, though. The only other vehicles I had seen before were the rusty old dump trucks that the Capital sent to pick up our quota. Most of the time, someone would try to kill the drivers and would instead get shot themselves. It was pitiful to watch sometimes.

Windle Quiero was the Capital resident who drew our names. He was a quiet man, but when it came for him to speak, he had a voice like his nose was stuffed. He said everything with at least one snort or guffaw planted somewhere. He had a green tint to him and he wore vibrant yellow contacts. In my opinion, he looked like a chameleon.

Windle shuffled through the first bowl silently and called out the name for District 7's boys.

"Daniel Portigru?" He said eyeing the crowd. In the very back right, you could see the slight movement of a teenage boy who looked to be about 14 or so. He had dark hair and eyes. He was extremely pale and probably had the best clothes in our district. He was wearing a grey, cotton tuxedo jacket and a black tie with a plain white shirt. For pants, he had on some black dress pants and shoes. He wasn't ugly but that didn't mean he was the most attractive person either.

He walked up to the podium. He tried to subtle about his nervousness but it was obvious by the way he kept touching his jacket. When he finally got up to the podium, Windle shook Daniel's hand, grimaced, and moved his hand to the other side of his body where Daniel couldn't see. He wiped his palm slowly and roughly against the side of his pants leg. He stared at the bowl for the girls and mumbled into the microphone, "Time for the ladies.."

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